File Libaries
Library: Database - Directory: Database - Programs
1on1-1.zip255K261486 12/19/89 Dbase clone (1of2)
1on1-2.zip222K227428 12/19/89 Dbase clone (2of2)
ac9117_1.zip240K& database v91.17 1/2
ac9117_2.zip172K& database v91.17 2/2
aerobix.zip79KRecord aerobic exercise/progress
ags210.zip135KIII setups into menu driven system
albmstr.zip108K- album master 6.41
albums.zip82KCD/record/tape music collections
albumtrx.doc2,303Bfor audio collections
albumtx1.lzh129K(1 of 2 disks)
albumtx2.lzh95Kv1.0 (disk 2 of 2 set)
alit110.doc1,797Bspreadsheet from TRIUS
alit110.lzh222K256k and a 9 pin printer
alpha4dm.lzh138K140850 12/12/90 DEMO of Alpha4 database
amaster.zip178Kfor merging with word
amstr102.doc3,425Bv1.02 for WordPerfect
amstr102.lzh171Kdatabase of address for merge
amstr670.zip165Krecord album librarian.
ap11.zip138Kfor academic papers
appoint.zip16Kfor Q&A
arowdb25.zip217KDatabase program. Limited DEMO
asez400n.doc1,976Bbug fixes and improvments
asez400n.lzh189Kupdate to 4.00N .
ashtips.zip43KAshton Tate's dBASE III
audmstr1.zip210Kto solve your audio collection woes.
baswiz14.zip99Kbasic wizard's library v1.4 dtd
bcast100.zip383KGeophys. database manager/analyst
bgc13.zip35K& replace utility for use with BIBL5 database.
bill21.zip95KEasy invoicing system
bk45c.zip152Kv4.5c Genealogy database.
bkarpt11.zip83KAncestor report v1.1
bkbox413.zip76KBox Tree report v1.3
bkbox45e.zip84Kv4.5c 2 of 3
bkck22.exe29Kv2.2 - it's time to backup
bkdoc45c.zip48Kv4.5c 3 of 3
bowl101j.zip164Kmanagement program
btr185a.doc1,485Bv1.85 for Btrieve records
btr185a.lzh63KBtrieve records (1/2)
btr185b.lzh104Kby programmers too. (2/2)
c-base22.doc1,921BThe Client Database
c-base22.lzh78Kbusiness and other organizations
c2dbase1.arc74Kof 'C' utilities for dBase III+
c2dbase1.zip56K'C' utilities for dBase III+
c_base22.zip83KClient database system. (5-2)
car120.zip181Kmaintance database
cardfile.zip18Kfile manager, handles 150 cards
cars16.zip44Ktracking and reporting system
cchef15.zip182Korganizer/shopping list maker
cd_pro.zip271Kcollection database/cataloger
cdb112.zip60Kv1.12 for MS-C & TC.
cdb114.zip57KSystem (CDB) v1.14:
cdmstr67.zip168KCatalog and list CD library
ceqpt35b.zip161Kequipment service/usage histories
chef15s.zip165Kdatabase v1.5s
chex.zip82Kfrom Mar 90 Computes' PC Mag
chexbal3.zip9,235BCHEX, totals balances of all accts.
cinvt53b.zip161Kfor tracking store stock/orders
cjc201s.zip104KCasette J-Card maker & database
ckitot11.zip297Kaccounting system v.1.1a
cm170.zip124Kmanager v1.70
cntct321.zip146Kfor tracking Contacts!
collect.zip121Kconfigurable DB for collections
comprefd.zip139Kbase from Infoworld and others.
cong1033.zip447Kand letter writer
convdb17.zip62Kfiles to dBASE compatible files
crde10.zip148Kengine v1.0 w/ 80 funcs
cusr221a.doc2,034Bcylopedia for computer users
cusr221a.lzh93Kauthors, distributers (1 of 2)
cusr221b.lzh112Khardware etc. (2 of 2)
cusr260a.doc3,540Bcyclopedia for BBSers
cusr260a.lzh139Kauthors and distributers (1 of 2)
cusr260b.lzh172Kpost cards (2 of 2)
d_simp12.doc1,791Bgenerate dBase code
d_smpl12.doc1,791BdBase code generator
d_smpl12.lzh121Kcode generator
databank.zip201Kpersonal database & organizer.
datamax.zip102K104109 05/05/90 Data Max simple data mgr
db3gen3b.zip198Kappl. gen. req FOXPLUS (runtime)
db3ut10u.zip113Kutil: Count/pack/print/search records
dbasefil.inf3,891Bshows layout of dBASEIII file structure
dbb22.zip17KIII/III Plus database files
dbeditor.zip275KBASE EDITOR Shareware Version
dbfcomp.zip85K87261 02/24/90 Compare database dbf files
dbfu13.zip32Kdisplaying dBASE file structures
dbmouse.zip4,561B4561 06/12/90 Mouse routines
dboss30.zip99K3.0 Demo.
dbpass10.zip6,187Broutines for dBASE IV applications
dbt10.zip69K70272 08/18/90 Database tools v1.0
dbtchk.zip23Kmemo files for dBase/Clipper
dbtutor.zip67K68159 04/01/90 Dbase tutorial
dbv102.zip26KDBF database file view/search utility, v1.02
dbx100.zip8,655BIII DBF to comma delimited ASCII
dd_print.zip18K18799 10/05/90 DD Library for use with Clipper
dedit100.zip131Kprogrammer's database editor
denti10.zip109Kitalian speaking dentists!
deskbase.lzh149K152480 06/29/91 Deskbase DB3 clone DEMO
dfixup36.arc22KdBASE .PRG files
dialm66.zip179KPhone dialer & database (5-19)
dinfo25.zip193KDBMS & report writer for .DBF
dinfo255.lzh166K170404 06/29/91 DInfo & Reporter v2.55
diskbase.zip126Kpersonal software database.
dlist110.zip45Kv1.10: Convert .DBF file to a list
dlite10.zip109K111921 04/01/90 TSR to access dbase files
dmetd4fp.zip39Kcomms program for databases.
dop.arc12KdBase II & III+ menu system
dp392_1.zip144K147318 09/25/89 DP database v3.92 (1of2)
dp392_2.zip88K90505 09/25/89 DP database v3.92 (2of2)
dpf15a.doc1,189Bv1.5 with clipper source
dpf15a.lzh116Kcompatible files (1/2)
dpf15b.lzh95Kmerge files (2/2)
dprog131.zip147Ksystem (program) generator & doc system
dq13.arc75KUtility to display, browse, dBASE files
dscar1.arc54KDBase III+ syntax checker
dskrak2.doc1,920B(DSKRAK2) database your diskettes
dskrak2.lzh125Kthe diskette catalog database
dskrak67.zip147Kto keep track of diskettes
dskrk300.zip139Kmanagement system
dsktrk61.zip92Kinfo in database format
dsktrk70.zip97KFloppy database with reports
dsktrk73.zip98Kway to keep track of disks.
edb21.zip37Kflexible database ideal for record collections
employqa.zip37Kemployee tracker template.
expcl410.doc3,294BExpressware Corporation
expcl41a.lzh142Kspreadsheet faster better.
expcl41b.lzh94Kwith user manual
ezcard12.zip116Kdatabase v1.2
ezcard13.zip125KQuick & easy database
ezt126.doc3,041Bgenealogy and family tree
ezt126.lzh87K- from Jim Hass (HDM)
f-exp432.lzh176Kdatabase .
facltj.exe424K& Maint. database
fbase12.zip82KFreebase: Free form database management prog.
fcat250.zip101Kdisks & builds database
fe430-1.zip185K189012 01/20/90 FIle express v4.3 (1of2)
fe430-2.zip173K177436 01/20/90 File express v4.3 (2of2)
fe500_1.zip240K5.00 database [1/3]
fe500_2.zip334K5.00 database [2/3]
fe500_3.zip168K5.00 database [3/3]
fedb11td.zip169KExpress databasees to .DBF
ffld.zip15KDisplays field structure of dBASE .DBF files
flag6.zip191KDoubleCheck System Version 6.0
flix11.zip53Kcataloging database, sort, search,
fmaps100.zip215Kworld & USA map database
foxpro1.zip298K305278 05/05/90 Fox Pro Demo 1of2
foxpro2.zip346K354182 05/05/90 Fox Pro Demo 2of2
fppat4.zip21Kinstructions, and change log
freebase.zip131K134534 09/25/89 Freebase (dbase clone)
fstfl530.doc2,591Bfull featured database
fstfl530.lzh99Kteacher and business
fxd775.zip164Kover 775 hard drive specs.
gamewtch.doc808Byour video game arcade
gamewtch.lzh130K- video library database
gdi.zip73Kindexer for large collections
idealist.zip164K167718 11/01/90 Idea List Information Mgr
idealt2a.doc3,803BResource Database
idealt2a.lzh76Kmanager - GUI! (A
idealt2b.lzh105Kmanager - GUI! (B
ildb202.zip181KQuery/Reports v2.02
ildt0928.zip36KQuery/Reports v2.02
instclc3.doc1,406Bfrom FormalSoft
instclc3.lzh319KMag awarded, TSR
j203.doc2,944B(J203PGM & J203DOC) by Louis Miranda
j203doc.lzh93Kdocumentation. (2 of 2)
jargon.arc137KDbase 3+ manual in database format
jbase12.doc1,223BHumor Resource Management
jbase12.lzh150Kretrieve jokes etc.
joss1-a.doc3,122Bspreadsheet from Australia
joss1-a.lzh193KLotus/dBase compatible (1 of 3)
joss1-b.lzh201Knormal/job automated modes (2 of 3)
joss1-c.lzh171Ka new generation sprdsht (3 of 3)
jossdemo.lzh86Ka full demonstration slidshow
ks20-a.lzh171KStatiatical analysis (1 of 2)
ks20-b.lzh139KStatistical analysis (2 of 2)
ks20.doc2,176B(KS20 A-B) with graphics.
ksdemo.zip227KSoftware That Uses Statistics
laserenv.arc9,343BLaserJet envelopes from dBASE/Foxbase
lc173.zip125Kof Logicat disk catalog program
listdbf.arc19KView dBASE DBFs using Vernon Buerg's LIST.COM
mailbase.doc1,487Band database
mailbase.lzh122KInc. NEW
mailit.zip113Klist manager.
mbase.zip30KC source.
mice_udf.zip1,812B1812 06/12/90 More mouse routines
mm607s.doc2,560B(MM607S) your favorite foods!
mm607s.lzh66K- a database for recipes!
modstat2.doc1,853Bv2.0 university level
modstat2.lzh162Kproper statistical test
movie30.zip257Kcatalog your movies, pictures and play music
moviea.zip259Kmovies for your VCR, part 1
musichrt.zip126Kchart database for entertainment directors
neubas42.zip124KExcellent personal database,
new_spel.zip114Kto the AD&D Spells Database
newjazz.zip411Kon jazz - database on jazz albums.
ng-db4.zip38K38573 05/26/90 Norton guide data for Dbase4
otd.zip93K1.00 (event database manager)
pc-entry.lzh43Kentry into PC-File databases
pc_names.doc1,408Bthe complete name manager
pc_names.lzh150Kdatabase, lables, addresses etc
pcf65a.zip324KPC-File 6.5 (1of3) Very easy to use database, dBase compat
pcf65b.zip344KPC-File 6.5 (2of3) Very easy to use database, dBase compat
pcf65c.zip207KPC-File 6.5 (3of3) Very easy to use database, dBase compat
pcfdb5-1.zip301K308531 01/29/90 PC-file db v5 (1of4)
pcfdb5-2.zip313K320216 01/29/90 PC-file db v5 (2of4)
pcfdb5-3.zip248K254316 02/24/90 Documentation for Pc-file db v5 (3of4)
pcfdb5-4.zip24K24522 02/24/90 Tutorial for PC-file db v5 (4of4)
pcfil51a.doc1,586BdBase compatible ButtonWare
pcfil51a.lzh311Kupgrade disk (1 of 3)
pcfil51b.lzh285Kdisk (2 of 3)
pcfil51c.lzh241Kdisk (3 of 3)
pcfile50.doc1,408Ball around database.
pcfile5a.lzh300Kfrom Buttonware (1 of 3)
pcfile5b.lzh277K(2 of 3)
pcfile5c.lzh239K(3 of 3)
pcfilepd.lzh149KPC-File+ version 2
pcfilepp.lzh173K2 - Great database program
pdbas412.zip153Kdoor v4.12 (pcboardv14.x)
pdsb403.doc1,802BA-B) database maker
pdsb403a.lzh148Kdatabase (Disk 1 of 2)
pdsb403b.lzh162K(Disk 2 of 2) prgm files
phndex11.doc1,629Band retrive numbers and addresses
phndex11.lzh55Kand phone number database
photo.zip134Kprogram, 3 levels
phowin21.zip55KAddress database/dialer
pirot-d1.zip161K165062 05/26/90 Pirouette Database (1of2)
pirot-d2.zip59K59942 05/26/90 Pirouette Database (2of2)
popdbf37.doc1,594BResident pop-up database
popdbf37.lzh89Kfile compatible in a TSR
popdbf40.zip146KPopDBF 4.0 is a 4K TSR dBase file browser/ editor that pro
prg.arc12KdBase programmer's utility
printdb4.arc1,748BTate info about dBASE4 LaserJet drivers
q-pro4a.zip197K201317 12/19/89 Database (1of2)
q-pro4b.zip121K124251 12/19/89 Database (2of2)
qbase.arc150KQuery for dBASE, Clipper and Foxbase DBF files
qbase11.lzh102K104121 06/29/91 Database inquire v1.1
qcalc310.doc1,152Baward for low cost SS
qcalc310.lzh199Ka true 3D spreadsheet.
qdemo.zip218K223330 01/29/90 Quicksilver DEMO
recap21.zip101KAdjusts capitalization of text in dBASE DBF's
reda50.doc2,840B- REDA v5.0 (Netherlands)
reda50.lzh115KSupports text and DOC
reda50.zip121KRemote Database. Online database
rolodx35.zip157Kdatabase. 9-22-91.
rscard21.doc1,081BBaseball Card Database
rscard21.lzh204Kcard PCX scans
salesxp.zip186Kcomputer products manufactures.
sc21tc.zip73Klibrary v2.0 Small memory libr
scrm205b.lzh64K65923 12/12/90 Screen generator for Dbase
sdf2dbf.zip14KConverts SDF files to dBASE III+ DBF files
shade2.arc8,816BPrint shaded bars on LaserJet with dBASEIII
slyce110.zip30Kutility for text and database files
snap501.zip306KDocumentation utility for dBASE/Clipper/Fox
snap_400.zip232K237761 04/01/90 Snap dbase documentor
softc103.zip80Klibrary of dBase/Clipper-compatible routines
softc2.zip305Klibrary for TC2 & MS-C5/6.
srin314a.doc2,259BDatabase Language
srin314a.lzh273K(disk 1 of 2)
srin314b.lzh227Kdisk (2 of 2)
srinf14a.zip279Kprogramming language. (dbf)
srinf14b.zip229KDPL 2/2
srinfo-1.zip271K277976 10/05/90 SR-Info Database compiler (1of2)
srinfo-2.zip257K263679 10/05/90 SR-Info Database compiler (2of2)
ssql22.doc1,291Bcompatible, relational
ssql22.lzh131KStructured Query Language by Silva
ssql23.zip191KSQL tutor v2.3
swaprv12.arc7,218Bany program from within dBASE
techs.arc50KdBASE technical notes
thebas40.zip143K146250 11/01/90 The Base v4.0 for Clipper
wamp42a.zip228K4.2 - 1 of 2
wamp42b.zip126K4.2 - 2 of 2
wampm41a.zip221Krelational data base 1/2
wampm41b.zip125Krelational data base 2/2
wampum40.doc3,200B(WAMPUM40) dBase compatible
wampum40.lzh339KDatabase a dBase clone.
wampum40.zip341K348978 01/20/90 Wampum database v4.0
wampum42.zip354KMenu-driven,dBASE-compatible relational DBMS Can be loaded
wisdom.zip569Ka database format-neat !
wk4cat.doc1,862BLotus 123 v2+
wk4cat.lzh20Kcatalog system for Lotus
wod200.zip90KSystem v2.0 Uses ARJ
wpmrgr15.doc1,426Bdata managment for your WP
wpmrgr15.lzh264Kmost Word Processors
xref140.doc1,561Bdata dictionary reference tool
xref140.lzh157Kdatabase compatible
xref140b.lzh140Kstructures/index expr.
zephyr1a.zip344K352748 06/12/90 Zephyr database - fast (1of2)
zephyr1b.zip354K362564 06/12/90 Zephyr database - fast (2of2)
zipcodes.zip298KZipcode data in DBASE .DBF format
zipky108.doc3,328Bsearching database
zipky108.lzh230Kby Eric Isaacson
zoomrack.zip193K197893 09/25/89 S/W version of zoomracks database