File Libaries
Library: Utilities - Directory: Util - Network
aicompat.zip4,409BLantastic/AI Compatibility Guide listing AICOMPAT
alogin21.zip34KUpdated auto login for Lantastic Networks.
amove2.zip11KNetwork/multitasker aware file copy and move.
amsmnu15.zip338KAMS : ADVANCED MENU SYSTEM v1.5 - AMS is designed as
arcd25.zip35KARCNet diagnostic. Board test plus 255 node map.
artis.zip23K3.1 Driver for Artisoft Sounding Board
asmobj.zip7,697Bbinary files for linking w/KA9Q NOS
autom11.zip340KAutoman v1.1: automatic network management software is des
autopi.zip154Ksystem for networks
autorp10.zip7,269BAUTOmatic volume REPair (AUTOREP) v1.00; NetWare file serv
bayce120.zip139Kterm pgm for PCs without TNC, 1/2
baycm120.zip41Kterm pgm for PCs without TNC, 2/2
bindmon.zip4,392BTool for use with the MWATCH.NLM which was devleoped to tr
bindump.zip68KExtracts the contents of a Netware bindery to a printer or
blts.lzh44K1 through 16 (16=info on Windows 3)
blts893.zip257KLANtastic Network Operating System Version 5 Bulletins
bmexe332.zip30Kmail program for KA9Q TCP/IP
bootch.zip16KRecord reboots and power ups of workstations on a network.
bootpf.zip3,533BBootp packet forwarding NLM for Netware.
bridge.zip10KBridging information
bstnt163.zip10KBestShell v1.63; Sets an environment variable NET to the b
c2capply.zip8,627BRecent application creation program for city-2-city networ
cadshr.zip73KLAN-CAD; Network blueprint tool
calandar.zip1,079KGroupware scheduling package that works with lans and wans
callid.zip261KCaller ID look-up for LANS and Laptops.
castaw.zip33KCastaway: intercepts netware broadcast messages.
cd_s4pcb.zip1,907BHow To: putting more than 20 CDROM disks online when you h
cdshar14.zip203KCD sharing on Lantastic Network (v1.4).
charon34.zip353KSMTP <> PEGAsus mail gateway.
charset.zip14KVariable Signatures in PMail 2.3 (R4)
chat207.zip22Kchat pgm for two Novell LAN users
cim.zip617KCorporate Information Manager for Lans and laptops.
ciscat.zip3,766Bof Artisoft Files on Compuserve
ckdsk100.zip3,703BCheck for/reattach [network] drive with error level.
cmail25v.zip191Kmail agent pgm for use on any LAN
cms205.zip111KCMS v2.05: file transfer and electronic mail program with
cnezip.zip88KCertified NetWare Engr. practice tests
cnfgls30.zip54KCNFGLS30 is an EXCEL V2.2 or LOTUS 123 V3.0, 123/G spreads
conex62.zip54KConex v6.2 - used to communicate between IBM PCs and a mai
conman.zip12KConMan v0.91: A Windows Network Connection Manager. Provid
conuti.com6,177BUtilities to detect preserve of server
count.zip6,033Ba specified command after X reboots
critter.zip12Kand stay Resident critical error handler
cron28.zip49Kstyle utilities for networks
dattrf.zip166KDPD (Data Processing Directions) file transfer program is
dayone.zip238KNetware manager in a gui-type interface.
dcon11.zip98KUtilities for directory management for networks.
defutl.zip15KDeferred Utilities; LANtastic v 5.0 offers a new deferred
delaycmd.zip3,885BDelayCMD is a Netware NLM that sends a cmd to the system c
dirasst.zip217KMenu Environment
dirutil.zip2,111BAllows only users who are members of the group MAKE_DIR to
dmenu1.zip43KDoug Menu: replaces Novell Netware menu.exe. Considerably
docprc13.zip281KDoc-Proc v1.3; On-line document retrieval system for a Loc
dos6nvel.zip6,921BWork-around for using MS-DOS 6.0 with Novel Networks.
dosgt114.zip185KMSDOS remotely via RS-232 serial port
drivers.zip271Kpacket drivers wo/src for KA9Q TCP/IP
driverss.zip595Kpacket drivers w/src for KA9Q TCP/IP
dsynch.zip136KMS Mail 3.0 directory synchronization utilities.
dvlant.zip2,785BHow to use DV on top of Lantastic Server
dvnovell.zip4,620Bup DESQview for Novell and token ring
elm23exe.zip491KElm is an interactive screen-oriented mailer program that
email.zip53KEmail for netbios-requires vbrun.dll
email336.zip493KEinstein E Mail v3.36; Includes scheduling functions - ful
emailbib.zip3,514BCompilation of bibliography on E-Mail and its privacy issu
emkit200.zip150KEZ-E-mail software v2.00 for use with EZ-E-mail network.
envtrim.zip11KEnvtrim - Dos environment variable trunc- ation. Trims fro
ethld102.zip112KETHLOAD v1.02; Simple public domain Ethernet load/problems
expiry.zip52Kfor use w/NNTP and KA9Q NOS TCP/IP
ezfax.zip4,826BInformation on Using EZFax with Lantastic.
ezmail2.zip172Ke-mail system for use w/Unix & PC-NFS
faxpak.zip135KIntel Satisfaction on Lantastic
fiew0630.zip380Kmail program for use w/KA9Q TCP/IP
filetst1.zip16KFileTest v1.0; The IFDC Security Verifier for Public Use
fsl12a.zip115KFSLOGIN v1.2; Full Screen Login menu utility for Novell Ne
ftpbeta.zip86KWATTCP FTP 0.65 - Waterloo TCP FTP program DOS-based FTP p
fup100.zip16KFUP.COM and INIFUP.COM versions 1.0 These are extremely us
fyi.zip108KFYI! Network Public Message System for Twisted Pair Softwa
getoid.zip9,307BNovell Netware object ID for users etc.
gloslan.zip13KGlossary of Network related terms
grplst26.zip17KGroupList v2.6: displays a column sorted listing of Netwar
hn309.zip449KHotNet v3.09: single/multi-user help desk phone support/ca
hotop104.zip146KHot Operator v1.04; Multi-user unattended production job s
hubdemo.zip447KIntel Ethernet Express Intelligent Hub Demo. Also informat
idenfo.zip8,379BInstructions for IDE disks and Novell 2.x & 3.11.
idleboot.zip16KIDLEBOOT - A System Security Management Tool for Networks
immunity.zip2,488BUsing Immunity disk mirroring with Lantastic.
insfix.zip7,842BNetwork utility similar to DOS Append.
iqs328.zip85KI-Queue. Server v3.28: TSR util that allows you to turn a
irq2rev.lzh5,013Bproblems with lan
jotit2.zip33KNetbios compatible Phone Message taker
jsdemo.zip97KNOVELL job server demo program.
jung3.zip269KGood Netware (Novell) utilities for system managers.
ka9qbgn.zip186KKA9Q-TCP/IP. Network tool. Documentation 1.
kbsem216.zip154KElectronic Office Mail System v2.15; Multi-User Version, N
kill1507.zip13KKill v1.507: small utility that can kill any Novell networ
knt20.zip13KMemory-resident netbios-compatible keystroke counter with
lan201.zip69KLAN Menu 2.01 (Network Menu) MicroFox Company Menu and Sec
lan302up.zip4,341B- Update information - 3.0
lanai.txt2,312Bcompatability list for Lantastic/AI
lanai41.zip3,066BAI /NOS 4.1 compatibility list
lanbld.zip306KLAN designer: enter spec's and software configures. Requir
lanbrd.zip151KShareware-demo: bridge-router for Lantastic networks.
lanhj7.zip157KWith LAN HIJACK you can control other PCs on your network.
lanlib.zip182KLibrary of Clipper functions for Lantastic.
lanlink2.zip35KLan Link-In v2.0; For LANtastic networks only Program that
lanlog.zip97KLANLOG v1.1; Software metering tool for Workstations on or
lanlog11.zip88KLANLOG v1.1; Software metering tool for WorkStations, on o
lanmenu2.zip68KLanMenu v2; The Local Area Network Menu
lanmodm1.zip88KLAN+Modem Demo vers 2.50 for Netbios,
lanprt.zip46Kand detach network printers within Windows
lanprt2.zip68KPrinter installation utility for LANs.
lanscrpt.zip5,319BSample batch files showing use of net stream commands.
lantblt1.zip93KLANTASTIC technical bulletins. Part 1/2.
lantblt2.zip57KLANTASTIC technical bulletins. Part 2/2.
lantl124.zip83Kutility/TSR to send/receive messages
lantools.zip116KDevont Software's LANTools v2.21; Collection of utilities
lantvnov.zip7,501BLantastic Vs. Novell.
lanut202.zip138KLANutils v2.02; Essential Tools for your LANtastic network
lanzplus.zip2,553BHow to Use Lantastic Z With Ethernet And 2mbs Adapters.
lanztips.zip4,462BTips for using and setting up lantastic z.
lapv101.zip110KLapView v1.01; File transfer and directory management tool
led12.zip65KLan EDit v1.2; Simplify aking changes to the system's star
leveyu.zip119KLevey's Network Utilities vol #1; Utility programs written
lite2lan.zip10KLite2Lan; Allows you to use all standard Lantastic command
lk110.zip37Kconcurrent use of DOS and Windows apps
lk151.zip43KLOCKER v1.51 (Demo); Controls the number of concurrent use
ll3pnout.zip599BLaplink parallel cable pinouts.
lmail125.exe54KMail in 6K swapping TSR
lmail130.exe58Kto 6k TSR Mail system for Lantastic
lmail160.zip58KLanMail v1.60: TSR mail handler for LANtastic
loc200.zip96KLOCATE v2.0; File Find and Maintenance Utility Very fast,
lockt106.zip66KLockIT. v1.06; intelligent security for DOS & Windows work
logchk10.zip26KSearches for a Certain String Returns Errorlevels for Batc
logcopy.zip48KCreates copyies of the system log on Novell networks.
login365.zip61KLogin 3.65 For Novell 3.11 & 2.2. Doc file Included.
lognuse.lzh8,809BUse devices with 1 command
lsalv100.zip34Kall salvagable files on Netware 3.x drive
lsalv101.zip39KList all salvagable files on Netware 3.x drives.
ltrus099.zip41KListTrustee v.099 - list all Novell 3.1x trustees.
lv100b.zip144KLANVIEW v1.00; Program used to analyze, view and edit the
mail.zip26Kmail for Netware with delay send option
mail15.zip67KWide Area Messaging
mailf.zip41KSample batch files showing auto-forwarding of Lantastic ma
man_9106.zip56Kfor NOS version of KA9Q TCP/IP
massuser.zip176KMass User Management: Supervisor assistance tool for Novel
mbl514.zip211KWA7MBL Packet Radio BBS, v5.14
mem311.zip3,450BMemory chewing NLMs for Netware 3.11.
mhsgate.zip8,898BE-Mail Gateways: Info on Connecting LAN-Based Messaging to
monitor.zip2,320Bmonitor program
msg_14.zip3,257BTSR that intercepts incoming Novell "SEND" messages from t
mutils.zip23KUtilities for Novell Networks fro CI$.
mxmnu244.zip361KMarxMenu v2.44; menu programming language and job control
mxsub.lzh4,110Bworkstations w/CD-ROM Drives
nan24hyc.zip42KANSI.SYS replacement for KA9Q TCP/IP
nba101.zip31KRemote console for Netbios-based LANs, v1.01. Netbios Assi
nbtest.zip18KTesting program
nds110.zip50KNetwork Directory Sort 1.1; Directory sort program which w
ne2000ls.zip25KLan Server 2.0 with Ne2000 Cards. Drivers and description
nemenu10.zip167KNeMenu-Network Environment Menu v1.0; A utility for DEC PA
net_1218.zip179KTCP/IP, NOS 911218 version, executable
netbak25.zip26KNetBak v2.5: aid to performing a backup of a Novell file s
netbbem.zip90KNetwork email and bulletin board system.
netbtime.zip20KTIMESEND & TIMERECV TSR's NETBIOS datagram services are em
netcb03b.zip31KNetCb; Novell network Chat box. Can chat with other users
netdat.zip116KSet server/ws date/time with each other.
neterr.zip13KNETERR; Network Error Workstation Reboot Utilities
netest.zip260KNeTest v1.0; What the heck Are the Jumper Settings on this
netinfo.zip10KNetwork information program.
netkil.zip9,044BRemote log off of a network user from every active server
netloc11.zip50KNetware user limit, logging & password
netlog12.zip22KNetlog v1.2: Netware program that will hold the user in a
netmsg.zip45KNetwork Message Viewing Utility, (NETMSG) is a utility tha
netnws.zip40KUtility to track log-on messages for network users.
netp.zip50KNetPrompt. Changes prompt to show server name
netpq.zip38KMonitor all printer queues on a Lantastic Network.
netpq203.zip42KUpdated net Printq monitor and control program.
netprog.zip164KDirectory tree comprises the source codefrom the book "UNI
netrk386.zip161KNetrek for 386 BSD - binary netrek client for 386 BSD with
netsmart.zip12KHelps network dumb programs run on a network.
netstrin.zip5,383BArticle on NET STRING commands from LAN magazine.
nettalk.zip18Ktalk/chat utility for Novell Netware
nettrek.zip225KStar Trek simulation for network or BBS play!
netuli.zip7,305BPrints a list of all active or inactive network server use
netwat.zip114KNetwatch demo - sits on LAN and surveys with alarms.
newann.zip2,418Bannoucements and bulletins from Artisoft
newnos.zip1,571BAdditional compatible products for Lantastic.
newstuff.zip9,635BAnnouncements incl TCP/IP Connectivity
nfsml202.zip21KNFSMAIL v2.0; Read UNIX mail on the *NIX computer from you
nmanpc.zip30KCollection of novell Netware utilities.
nmdm21.lzh42Kacross your LAN
nntp4nos.zip25Kfor KA9Q TCP/IP (NOS vers). C source only
nos.txt13Kcompatability list for Lantastic
nos_slfp.zip303Kvers. of KA9Q with Merit SLFP/PPP support
nosai.txt3,851Bcompatability list for NOS/AI
notice15.zip58KNotice software for Novell netware networks. Allows for va
nouv17.zip120KNouveau v1.7 pop-up E-Mail for LANs. Requires only 7K.
novbat1.zip91KNovBAT; A Novell Netware Batch File Enhancement Utility
novelcmd.zip3,994BNovell Netware command summary.
novelinf.zip5,363BRetrieve Novell network connection info in Foxpro.
novmen12.zip73KNOVMENU v1.2; Fast replacement for the NOVELL menu system.
np22.zip76KNet Pak v2.2 - Collection of programs for Novell Network a
nsh152a.zip155K* Description Not Found *
ntchat1a.zip40KNetChat 1.0 rev.A; The follow-up to NetChat v1.0 by Markus
ntcpip.zip16KNovell notes on TCP/IP.
ntqt13.zip128KNETWORK QUOTABLES v1.3 - Be greeted w/ witty, daily
nulcable.zip4,192BHow to make serial/parallel null modem cables
nwtest.zip6,280BDetect presence of Netware shell. Utility returns errorlev
nxzip.zip2,230BLantastic/Excel macro for Lantastic for Windows.
odipkt21.zip10KODIPKT.ASM - Adapter provides Packet Driver interface over
one-6.lzh33Kmessages 3701-4000 (Public Messages)
os2.zip2,106Bwith OS2 2.0
otl221.zip18KPassword protect your PC with your Netware password. This
outrider.zip77KOUTRIDER is a unique local area network monitoring and log
patch30.lzh13Kpatch for old XT Hard Disk Controllers
pbmv1h.zip59KMenu v1.2 for Novell Netware 2.X 3.X; Supports about 95% o
pcb121.zip76Kbased network bridge
pcbri120.zip70KPC as a cheap Ethernet-Ethernet Bridge
pcbri121.zip75KPCbridge: an inexpensive Ethernet Bridge. Turns a PC with
pcelm30.zip64Kuser agent for KA9Q NOS, UUPC or Waffle
pcftp.zip1,556BFTP program
pcip_pkt.zip382KPCIP TCP/IP for use with Clarkson drivers
pcnews.zip29KUsenet news on local or PC-NFS filesystem
pcprl10.zip187Kparallel processing system
pcrte220.zip207KNetwork router
pcrte222.zip230KPC into TCP/IP router for about
pcrte224.zip212KPCRoute - an IP routing program from the IBM PC. Written f
pcvault.zip221KPC-Vault v4.5f Hard Disk Security Asks for user name
pcvaultp.zip230KPC-Vault Plus v 4.5f Hard Disk Security Requires use
pdclk102.zip31KPC clock using UDP/IP timeserver via LAN
perf.zip9,034BTechnical note from Artisoft regarding performance tips fo
phone2.zip380KOnline Phone System Manager 2.0: Lan compatable phone dire
pktgold.zip180KPacket Radio utility for PK-232 TNC
pm233.zip637KNovell: PMail 2.3(r3) bug fixes, some new features.
pmail21c.zip258KMail e-mail system for Novell Netware
pmail235.zip570KPegasus E-Mail v2.35 For Novell LANs
pmlog.zip199KProblem Management Tracking for LAN administrators. [HP La
pmp11.zip74KRadio term pgm for PCs without TNC. 1/2
pmpsrc11.zip64KRadio term pgm for PCs without TNC. 2/2
popml210.zip143Kemail, use Clarkson pkt drivers
postbo.zip12KExamine post box from command line.
pqgrap.zip26KGraph Print Queue activity on Novell.
pqkill.zip7,619BPQKILL.COM v1.0; Deletes all network print jobs on every r
proclock.zip9,648BNetware 3.1x NLM to display clock on server.
prtcpy29.zip17KPRTCOPY v2.90: allows LAN administrators to define a singl
qd.zip2,931BQD.COM v1.0; Short program that halts the printer queue on
qmon.zip10KNetWare network print queue display and monitor utility, v
qview11b.zip20KMultiple print queue monitor for Novell LANs.
qviewp20.zip290KQView Pro v2.0; Novell Print Queue Manager
r3util7.zip105KUpdated Rick Roth's Lantastic utilities pack.
rbconf.zip2,532BRemote boot config utility for Lantastic.
recone.zip8,930BUtility to Reconnect to a Lantastic Network
release3.zip4,297BRelease 3 announcement
respool.zip14KLan Manager host print job respooler service with source c
rswd1111.zip64KROSE X.25 packet radio switch for TNC2
sam106.lzh9,267BActivity Monitor v1.06
say22.exe118Ksayings for login batch files
sc3x00.zip8,232BSome Netware 3.xx API examples.
secure.zip19KSECUREFX.NLM and SECUREFX.VAP are designed as an enhanceme
send.zip9,778BSEND v1.0; Sends mail using the Lantastic mail service
sentin10.zip5,108BNLMSentinel v1.0; NetWare NLM that is designed to automati
servmem1.zip232KServer memory calculator v1.0 for Novell Netware v3.11. Wi
setlis13.zip45Ksearch/scan/stats for NetBIOS networks
settings.zip3,704BUsing Lantastic AI - general info.
sfcopy.zip45KSerial File Copy v2.1
sftm140.zip12KSystem File Table Monitor v1.4; Will list in real-time all
signo17.zip106KSignOut v1.7: LAN-based office signout/signin board. Requi
signout.doc2,713Bthe chalk board method
signout1.lzh51Kfor LAN networks .
slfp123.zip30Kdriver for use w/KA9Q and Merit dial-up
snlvi.zip236KSoftstone network library - 4 super utils for Novell.
sport142.zip424KThe SPORT Wide Area Information Transfer System
src_1218.zip606KTCP/IP, NOS 911218 version, source code
srch17.exe42KAdmin Utility
srvdrvst.zip7,298BNovell Netware Utility. Shows current Server Name, NIC #,
stre24.zip34KUpdated admin utility to scan network drives.
stub41.zip7,117BLow Level Driver for NOS 4.1
super311.zip240KSuperMenu v3.11; SuperMenu is a convenient way for you to
tcm3105.zip8,241Bmodem construction info for BAYCOM pgm
tcptut.zip32Kon TCP/IP Internet network protocols
tech.lzh15KRef. Manual for LANtastic
tech3.zip15Kref manual for Lantastic v3.0 and up
testfile.zip14Kfiles access in many modes. Good net tool
testnt21.zip35KNetwork I/O Performance Tester v2.1; Also standalone PC di
thruput2.zip17KThruPut v2.0; DOS disk benchmark utility that gives real f
tim_sy.zip8,103BNetware: Time Dync - syncs time across servers.
tips0191.zip31KTips On Memory Management
tnet31.zip55KTURBO NET; Menu system, to be used on computers running Ar
tnm.zip10KTurbo Network Map makes it easy for you to find which area
toadnt11.zip4,584BToad Hall Nettime; set local system time per remote LAN sy
top0692.zip6,068BTop Issue questions and answers
tr.zip9,853Ba command at a certain time
trklan12.zip346Kv1.2 of LAN Administrator's tool to keep track of problems
trmp104b.zip84KUsenet news reader. Uses Clarkson drivers
trtool02.zip28Kall connected adapters on a Token-Ring
tsrcom29.lzh54Kmanagement collection - To INCLUDE NetWorking files
twait.zip32KTapeWait is a NetWare utility that will display on the scr
udg.zip19KFilter.c - Pmail User-defined Gateway glue code to interfa
ulist102.zip17KULIST v1.02: allows you to quickly see who is attached to
unet11.zip22Ktwo PC's together using parallel ports
unetii22.zip17KU-Net II version 2.2. Networks any two PCs using parallel
up030491.txt1,926B3rd party compatability testing
use125.zip7,047BLan Manager Utility use.exe 1.25 - small program called fr
userdef.zip15KWestern Digital ethernet cards
usermenu.lzh48Kuse on lan
using.zip10KFor NetWare 2.1x. Finds who is using a file, and also what
uucpfaq.zip11KFrequently Asked Questions about UUCP Internals
vcrplus.zip52KDECODE and ENCODE those darn VCRPLUS codes. With original
view9206.zip376KVIEW; SMTP mailer for TCP/IP. A mailer designed to work wi
vmix278.zip185KVMiX 386 v2.78: multitasking and/or multiuser O/S shell fo
volinfo.zip21Kfree space on all available LAN volumes
w4wlant.zip4,545BWindows for Workgroups and Lantastic.
wait4f.zip11KWait-for-a-file. Lan batch utility. Very network friendly.
wan_info.zip10KInterNetworking Your NetWare Lans: Connecting the PC Workg
wcm.zip256KWorkstation configuration manager for Netware Allows Confi
wdelite.zip2,131BUsing Lantastic AI With Western Digital cards
weaklink.lzh17Kmodem serial lan hookup for two cpu's
webnt255.zip199KSerial disk/device sharing network for 2 PC's.
whoami.zip8,184BWHOAMI; Lists all your current LANTASTIC signon names in u
win31.zip4,797Bwith Windows 3.1
winnet02.zip39Kbased Net access for Lantastic
winpres.zip57KAdministering Windows on NetWare presentation
wizlnk11.zip171KWizlink v1.1: small and fast remote control program.
wsuper.zip19KNetware supervisor equivelancy on/off utility.
wywo3b.zip105Kyou Were Out Lan Message taker
xc_260.zip158Kx-CAL Network Calendar System version 2.60 x-CAL is a work
xforum3.zip178Kx-FORUM3 Network Message Forum System v1.1
xmeter.zip16KComputer Tyme XMETER * vV1.71; software metering program f
xport21a.zip30KD. I. File Transporter Shareware Ver 2.1a. Nice RS232-base
zip150.zip20Kbps PC-to-PC serial file transfers!
zipfs162.zip30KZIP v1.62; Serial File Transfer Utility For Transferring F