123menus.lzh | 3,009B | 3009 09/04/89 Pascal for 123 style menus |
16550.lzh | 1,109B | 1109 04/28/91 Toggle state of 16550 UART buffer |
1novfnc.lzh | 5,321B | 5321 07/14/91 TP Novel toolbox routines |
3dlib17f.lzh | 323K | 331190 05/27/94 3d animation routines |
3dlife.lzh | 4,910B | 4910 10/02/89 Source to 3d life simulation |
50line10.lzh | 7,350B | 7350 01/15/90 TP for 50 line CGA text mode |
aakint14.lzh | 10K | 10387 05/14/90 Serial port routines w/flow control |
aakxref.lzh | 53K | 53973 09/03/90 Pascal cross-reference |
abfree22.lzh | 6,718B | 6718 01/20/90 TP display free disk space |
abortu.lzh | 5,329B | 5329 09/04/89 Handle critical errors |
actigram.lzh | 6,056B | 6056 09/03/90 Pascal activity lister |
adamdisk.lzh | 53K | 54357 07/14/91 TP to read disks from Adam computer |
adding.lzh | 23K | 23075 09/09/90 TP source to an adding machine |
adlpas.lzh | 2,521B | 2521 01/14/91 Pascal source to play Adlib ROL songs |
advcrt91.lzh | 19K | 19783 12/14/91 Advanced CRT routines |
alarm.lzh | 9,985B | 9985 10/05/90 Source to TSR pop-up alarm |
allfil.lzh | 11K | 11147 05/14/90 Display pick-list of matching files |
alloc.lzh | 4,897B | 4897 10/02/89 Pascal memory allocation |
allswags.lzh | 1,148K | ALLSWAGS from Sourceware Archive Group. This archive conta |
allswap.lzh | 9,138B | 9138 10/17/89 TP to swap different var types |
alpha.lzh | 37K | 38016 08/18/91 AlphaReader PD offline mail system source |
altcrt.lzh | 6,400B | 6400 07/14/91 TP alternative to CRT unit (Dos/Bios) |
analysis.lzh | 65K | 66758 09/03/90 Statistical analysis routines |
angle.lzh | 29K | 29289 04/28/91 Simple prog to calc trig functions |
anivga11.lzh | 332K | 339660 05/27/94 VGA animation routines |
ansi101.lzh | 1,151B | 1151 12/14/91 Send codes to use ansi functions |
ansi_130.lzh | 18K | 18881 08/12/90 Ping's Ansi w/music unit v1.3 |
ansidr27.lzh | 13K | 13795 11/20/89 Pascal ansi drawing pkg |
ansigrph.lzh | 2,692B | 2692 04/27/90 TP interface to ansi.sys |
ansitp4.lzh | 2,353B | 2353 05/03/90 Source - TP4 generate ansi strings |
ansivi.lzh | 10K | 10237 03/16/91 TurboVision ansi interpreter |
answcode.lzh | 15K | 14952 09/03/90 Text file indexer |
arcsin.lzh | 783B | 783 07/14/91 TP ArcSin & ArcCos routines |
arctree.lzh | 1,564B | 1564 04/27/90 TP disk functions |
arglist.lzh | 1,150B | 1150 08/18/90 Pascal arguement list routines |
arith2.lzh | 18K | 18645 09/03/90 Arithmetic compression routines |
asc2eia.lzh | 10K | 10482 10/05/90 Ascii to EIA translator source |
asciiz.lzh | 2,173B | 2173 10/02/89 TP source for null terminated strings |
asm120.lzh | 43K | 43606 05/03/90 Source - Assembler in pascal |
asorts.lzh | 7,179B | 7179 04/06/91 Sorting and arrays routines |
assywind.lzh | 21K | 21224 09/28/91 Inline Asm window functions |
asyinl00.lzh | 7,287B | support for Turbo in assembler |
async12.lzh | 30K | 30976 10/17/89 TP serial i/o routines |
async4.lzh | 5,200B | 5200 10/05/90 Async comm routines |
asyturbo.lzh | 6,940B | com1&com2 Turbo Pascal support |
atotpu.lzh | 5,254B | 5254 04/27/90 TP autoinstall routines |
atrom.lzh | 5,276B | 5276 01/27/91 Source to copy Rom to file |
attrib.lzh | 1,452B | 1452 12/23/90 Dos file attribute routines |
autoins.lzh | 3,233B | 3233 03/31/90 Insert values into constants |
backsoun.lzh | 3,568B | 3568 09/04/89 Pascal for background sounds |
baklpt.lzh | 9,421B | 9421 10/05/90 Background printing routines |
bank.lzh | 2,314B | 2314 09/03/90 OOP bank queue simulator |
bapp10.lzh | 6,304B | 6304 12/14/91 Basic starter application for TurboVision |
bascal.lzh | 84K | 86107 12/14/91 Functions to make Pascal more like BASIC |
batmenu.lzh | 30K | 30887 10/05/90 TP source to a menu system |
battle.lzh | 3,866B | 3866 12/14/91 Simple BattleShip type game source |
bbschat.lzh | 17K | 17043 05/15/90 Source to Eliza-like chat |
bcrt.lzh | 7,713B | 7713 09/04/89 Unit to use bios screen writes |
bcshare.lzh | 15K | 15087 12/23/90 Text file sharing code |
bela.lzh | 3,700B | 3700 04/27/90 TP command line & edit routines |
bessel.lzh | 846B | 846 08/12/91 2nd order Bessel evaluation |
bfind.lzh | 7,757B | 7757 10/05/90 Binary file string searches |
bgsound5.lzh | 11K | 10802 01/14/91 Background Ansi music source |
biged.lzh | 36K | 36749 01/14/91 Extension to OPRO editor for big files |
bikini.lzh | 1,987B | 1987 03/16/91 OOP Bikini designer |
bincmp2.lzh | 11K | 11535 02/16/91 Binary file compare |
bixtools.lzh | 146K | 149128 06/04/90 Misc collection of pascal code |
bmulky.lzh | 90K | 91989 07/06/90 Interface Pascal to Btreive |
boi200p.lzh | 83K | BBS Onliner Interface 2.00 (Pascal) Write your own online |
bonus40.lzh | 152K | 156133 09/04/89 Misc pascal source |
boosters.lzh | 91K | 92812 09/04/89 Speed up pascal progs |
boot.lzh | 3,448B | 3448 05/25/92 Cold/Warm reboot program with source (PD) |
bplus.lzh | 72K | 73933 07/14/91 TP for Compu$erve B-Plus protocol |
break.lzh | 814B | 814 11/27/92 Control break handling |
break201.lzh | 5,549B | 5549 10/05/90 Break long text files into parts |
browse2.lzh | 13K | 13315 05/14/90 File browser source |
btp15.lzh | 49K | 50044 01/05/92 Object oriented access to BTreive (for BTre |
btree1.lzh | 4,142B | 4142 10/31/90 Source to B-Tree |
buffer.lzh | 10K | 10027 07/06/90 Pascal buffering object |
butler20.lzh | 30K | 30821 08/18/90 Bulter's window routines |
buttons.lzh | 4,768B | 4768 09/04/89 Pascal keyboard routines |
bwsb102.lzh | 514K | BWSB v1.02 PUBLIC SHAREWARE RELEASE - --- Bells, Whist |
byteflag.lzh | 642B | 642 05/13/90 Source to use byte flags |
bz_cmd.lzh | 1,850B | 1850 04/29/92 Command line handling routines |
cache.lzh | 2,818B | 2818 01/05/92 Cached strings for Picklist (for OPRO) |
calc.lzh | 51K | 52543 11/27/92 Compile expression/evaluate |
calcpas.lzh | 12K | 12594 07/14/91 TP for a mini spreadshreet |
calculus.lzh | 29K | 29498 09/03/90 Calculas routines |
calibrat.lzh | 8,024B | 8024 10/05/90 Printer calibration unit source |
callback.lzh | 12K | 12446 04/27/90 TP source to callback verifier |
calyr2.lzh | 14K | 13961 12/23/90 Display a calandar on the screen |
cards.lzh | 47K | 48151 10/05/90 Source for card games |
cartog.lzh | 123K | 126326 12/23/90 Cartographic (mapping) source |
chdate.lzh | 14K | 14380 05/04/90 Source - Full month calandar |
checkirq.lzh | 2,624B | 2624 01/05/92 Check IRQ for comm port (for AsyncPro) |
chnprep.lzh | 19K | 18955 04/30/90 TP program chaining |
clearmem.lzh | 1,474B | 1474 11/27/92 Clear stack, globals, and heap |
clmwp.lzh | 25K | 25519 12/23/90 Command line word processor source |
cloak.lzh | 27K | 27281 12/14/91 Cloak file encryption w/source |
clocks.lzh | 4,198B | 4198 04/06/91 Clock routines |
clrpck.lzh | 8,170B | 8170 07/06/90 Pascal color picking routines |
cmln1285.lzh | 39K | 39643 08/12/91 Source to a DADA to Forth translator |
cmppas.lzh | 5,303B | 5303 08/12/91 TP Compression routines |
cmsunit.lzh | 6,734B | 6734 05/27/94 Routine to access SB CMS sound chips |
cobolpic.lzh | 6,672B | 6672 04/15/90 Pascal for Cobol style pic |
codes.lzh | 4,166B | 4166 09/19/90 Pascal const for scan codes, intr, etc |
colorset.lzh | 18K | 18046 07/06/90 Nice color set routines (needs TPro) |
colrmenu.lzh | 17K | 17135 01/20/90 TP pick colors routine |
comm_tp5.lzh | 32K | 32866 11/27/92 Serial port access |
commcds.lzh | 20K | 20636 09/28/91 Call Data Std comm tracking |
commontp.lzh | 23K | 23798 12/14/91 Comm/Door support routines |
compress.lzh | 1,091B | 1091 07/06/90 Compress alpha strings |
compturb.lzh | 55K | 56740 10/05/90 Complete Turbo Pascal routines |
comtoi.lzh | 1,677B | 1677 04/30/90 Convert com files to inline code |
conic.lzh | 89K | 90786 12/23/90 Conic sections functions |
contour.lzh | 61K | 62624 02/16/91 Contour plotting |
copyprot.lzh | 950B | 950 10/05/90 Copy protection |
country.lzh | 18K | 18112 09/09/90 TP source to use Dos Country info |
cputype.lzh | 4,285B | 4285 09/15/89 Source to determine cpu type |
crc1.lzh | 13K | 13537 04/27/90 TP CRC16 routines |
crcpascl.lzh | 6,642B | 6642 07/06/90 CRC routines in pascal |
crctpas.lzh | 6,256B | 6256 04/27/90 TP CRC routines |
crlf1.lzh | 8,323B | 8323 08/12/91 Fix text file CR/LF and expand tabs |
crtg.lzh | 32K | 33127 11/27/92 Graphics CRT unit replacement |
cs101asu.lzh | 55K | 55925 03/18/90 Ariz State CS 101 sample progs |
ctpcod.lzh | 112K | 114947 03/18/90 Large collection of small routines |
ctrl.lzh | 4,451B | 4451 10/17/89 TP to change ^char into control char |
ctype.lzh | 3,427B | 3427 09/28/91 CType routines |
cursor5x.lzh | 5,656B | 5656 10/05/90 Restore cursor |
cuvl.lzh | 20K | 20478 07/06/90 Pascal disk volume labeler |
cvtsrc21.lzh | 39K | 40361 08/18/91 Source to convert comm dialing directories |
cyclic.lzh | 7,325B | 7325 09/04/89 CRC routines in pascal |
dates.lzh | 2,352B | 2352 10/05/90 Source - Julian date routines |
datetim2.lzh | 1,011B | 1011 05/14/90 Date/time routines |
db3wperf.lzh | 7,474B | 7474 11/04/90 Source to convert DB3 to Word Perfect |
dbbrow20.lzh | 10K | 10663 10/31/90 Dbase file browser source |
dbf4pas.lzh | 18K | 18274 09/15/89 TP routines to read DBF files |
dblook2.lzh | 5,341B | 5341 07/14/91 TP to read DB3+ DBF files |
dbtree.lzh | 86K | 87825 09/04/89 Pascal database routines |
ddutil20.lzh | 7,594B | 7594 07/14/91 DoubleDos awareness routines (PD) |
delay.lzh | 636B | 636 02/02/90 Give up time while delaying |
der12.lzh | 35K | 35619 07/06/90 Data entry routines |
desq.lzh | 6,129B | 6129 02/02/90 TP to make desqview aware |
desq42.lzh | 6,129B | 6129 07/06/90 Make program Desqview aware |
desq5x.lzh | 6,124B | 6124 10/05/90 Desqview aware routines |
detokenz.lzh | 3,222B | 3222 11/04/90 Source to DeTokenize Basic code to Ascii |
dezip21.lzh | 34K | 34500 04/29/92 Pascal source to unzip compressed files |
dialate.lzh | 19K | 19816 07/14/91 Dialect converter w/source (FW) |
dialer.lzh | 1,639B | 1639 09/19/90 Pascal phone dialer |
digikit.zip | 12K | Example Turbo Pascal source for use of Digiboards. |
dir.lzh | 7,764B | 7764 01/14/91 Pascal directory functions |
dir406.lzh | 14K | 14455 10/05/90 Disk directory routines |
dirscan2.lzh | 1,745B | 1745 09/04/89 Pascal directory scan |
disasmbl.lzh | 18K | 18496 04/06/91 Souce to a disassembler |
disk13.lzh | 15K | 15365 10/02/89 Pascal disk format source |
diskvr20.lzh | 58K | 59345 09/03/90 Source to a Disk cover printer |
dispedit.lzh | 5,916B | 5916 05/13/90 Display edit routines |
dlst10.lzh | 29K | 29975 06/04/90 TP source to list 334 lines/pg |
dolrword.lzh | 5,137B | 5137 03/31/90 TP write amounts in words |
doorio.lzh | 4,282B | 4282 12/23/89 Pascal source for writing doors |
doorproc.lzh | 1,984B | 1984 05/03/90 Source - Rbbs door procedures |
dosmem.lzh | 1,618B | 1618 05/13/90 Allocate Dos memory for vars |
dplus.lzh | 28K | 28663 05/03/90 Source - File management |
drive.lzh | 3,547B | 3547 07/06/90 Find type of disk drive |
drya.lzh | 2,425B | 2425 10/05/90 Dynamic arrays |
dsort04b.lzh | 46K | 46900 11/04/90 Source to sort Fido style messages |
dupfind.lzh | 6,529B | 6529 10/05/90 Duplicate file finder |
dupsrc.lzh | 8,216B | 8216 07/06/90 Check for dupe files and maintain |
dvunit.lzh | 1,589B | 1589 12/14/91 Code to make a program Desqview aware |
dvvid-p.lzh | 595B | 595 03/16/91 Write to Desqview screen buffers |
easydate.lzh | 2,870B | 2870 03/18/90 Pascal date handling routines |
eco30603.lzh | 712K | Eco Library II Release 3.0 V 6.03 Pascal Port #3 Complete |
edgra3.lzh | 6,842B | 6842 11/04/90 Extended graphics editor |
editwn.lzh | 54K | 54784 11/27/92 Edit window source |
edmac.lzh | 22K | 22379 04/30/90 TP source to read/edit Mac pics |
eev100r0.lzh | 31K | 31892 04/29/92 Expression evaluator |
eg0411s.lzh | 31K | 31858 10/05/90 EGA aint Tetris source |
egatools.lzh | 5,725B | 5725 01/24/90 TP EGA routines |
emm22.lzh | 21K | 21621 05/01/90 TP source to control EMS memory |
emsi.lzh | 3,844B | 3844 12/14/91 Simple code to add EMSI support |
eng_pas.lzh | 53K | 54399 01/27/91 Engineering routines in Pascal |
engineer.lzh | 58K | 59161 09/03/90 Engineering routines |
environ.lzh | 1,687B | 1687 09/04/89 Pascal environment routines |
epson.lzh | 4,401B | 4401 08/18/91 Printer set-up |
err_func.lzh | 36K | 36863 07/14/91 Error tracking unit (PD) |
evalaz.lzh | 22K | 22155 09/04/89 Pascal expression evaluator |
evalexpr.lzh | 4,515B | 4515 07/14/91 Expression evaluator (PD) |
exdate.lzh | 4,520B | 4520 12/23/90 Extended date routines |
exec23.lzh | 25K | 25800 12/23/90 Exec with swap for TP |
exec31.lzh | 86K | 88104 11/27/92 Exec a program with swapping |
execsw.lzh | 16K | 16801 09/04/89 TurboPower Exec prog with swapping |
execwn.lzh | 4,522B | 4522 01/03/90 TurboPower Exec dos in a window |
execws.lzh | 16K | 16837 03/16/91 TP6 Exec within window w/swapping |
exitpas.lzh | 1,301B | 1301 07/06/90 Exit procedure help |
exkey4.lzh | 11K | 11262 05/04/90 Source - Extended Keyboard support |
explod.lzh | 5,580B | 5580 04/30/90 TP exploding window code |
extend.lzh | 13K | 12826 03/31/90 TP to use more than 20 files |
extend32.lzh | 14K | 14224 03/16/91 Extend number of files available |
extend5.lzh | 12K | 12000 04/06/91 Extend number of files open simultaneously |
extend6.lzh | 2,280B | 2280 01/05/92 Info from Borland on opening more than 20 fi |
extsto.lzh | 11K | 11201 03/31/90 TP use Extended memory |
exxms.lzh | 1,149B | 1149 09/28/91 XMS memory call tester |
fastda.lzh | 5,662B | 5662 07/06/90 Fast date routines |
fastscr.lzh | 12K | 12236 11/04/90 Fast screen write objects TP55 |
fastwr4.lzh | 9,272B | 9272 09/04/89 Fast screen writes |
fcopy.lzh | 2,304B | 2304 04/28/91 PD file copy routines |
fcsource.lzh | 26K | 26286 04/06/91 File cataloger |
fdctlinc.lzh | 5,903B | 5903 07/06/90 Pascal format of Frontdoor records |
fdformat.lzh | 21K | 21480 09/04/89 Disk format with source |
fdformt2.lzh | 22K | 22141 10/17/89 TP disk format v2 |
fecho120.lzh | 5,838B | 5838 12/23/90 Echo text to comm port thru fossil |
fibmcm.lzh | 21K | 21902 05/30/90 Ibmcom routines modified for Xon/Xoff |
fidopas.lzh | 4,400B | 4400 08/18/90 TP format of Fido .Msgs |
fidopkt.lzh | 32K | 32323 04/28/91 Code to read Fido style *.PKT |
field.lzh | 1,315B | 1315 09/11/89 TP find field between delimeters |
field2.lzh | 20K | 20370 09/04/89 Field input routines |
filedate.lzh | 661B | 661 05/13/90 Get filedate as a real |
fileking.lzh | 110K | 112342 08/18/90 Source to a file manager |
fileob.lzh | 9,987B | 9987 05/04/90 Source - TP55 file info object |
files.bak | 15K | undefined |
files.dat | 21K | undefined |
files.dmp | 9,920B | undefined |
files.idx | 5,328B | undefined |
filnames.lzh | 4,876B | 4876 08/18/91 Unix-style filename matching routine |
findf.lzh | 8,236B | 8236 09/04/89 Pascal file finder |
findtext.lzh | 16K | 16840 01/20/90 TP quick text find |
findus.lzh | 2,758B | 2758 09/04/89 Find program exec |
finfo21.lzh | 6,648B | 6648 01/14/91 Change BBS DIR file date sizes |
fline.lzh | 9,723B | 9723 02/19/92 TurboVison FormLine input routine |
fmat.lzh | 17K | 17316 07/15/90 Pascal disk formatter |
forum21s.lzh | 147K | 150748 09/04/89 Pascal BBS source |
forumnet.lzh | 4,330B | 4330 05/26/90 TP source to Forum bbs network |
forv25c.zip | 180K | Turbo Pascal Source Code For BBS Utilities |
foscom12.lzh | 14K | 14592 07/06/90 Pascal fossil driver routines |
fosilpas.lzh | 38K | 38659 09/04/89 Fossil driver in pascal |
frac2.lzh | 13K | 13644 06/13/92 Source to a fractal display |
frte.lzh | 14K | 14188 04/06/91 Forced Run Time Error unit |
fsthst21.lzh | 16K | 15921 02/05/90 TP to control HST modem |
fulldb13.lzh | 13K | 13191 11/27/92 Add obj line numbers to TPU |
gamma.lzh | 14K | 14392 07/14/91 TP to compute Gamma function |
gasgauge.lzh | 5,994B | 5994 04/29/92 Gas gauge progress display routine |
gaussj.lzh | 3,907B | 3907 08/18/91 Gauss function |
gdc.lzh | 1,489B | 1489 06/13/92 Get disk class (type) |
generi.lzh | 38K | 39324 11/09/89 Generic object routines TP55 |
getdir.lzh | 1,637B | 1637 08/18/90 TP source to get directory |
getfile2.lzh | 954B | 954 05/13/90 Expand wildcard to file list |
getfile3.lzh | 1,229B | 1229 02/02/90 Expand wildcard to file list |
getput40.lzh | 1,199B | 1199 09/28/91 Get/Put screen regions |
gifvga.lzh | 57K | 57881 12/09/89 TP source to a VGA gif viewer |
gifview.lzh | 41K | 41559 09/04/89 Pascal gif viewer |
godot.lzh | 6,469B | 6469 05/04/90 Source - TP55 dialog box (requires OPRO) |
goodies.lzh | 321K | 328773 11/27/92 TP6 goodies from Borland Germany |
graftal.lzh | 2,155B | 2155 08/18/90 Build a graphic tree table |
graph.lzh | 10K | 10119 08/18/90 Graphing routines |
graph11.lzh | 65K | 66485 11/27/92 Experimental grapher v1.1 FW |
graphics.lzh | 46K | 46716 08/18/90 Misc graphics routines |
gravwar2.lzh | 42K | 43129 09/09/90 TP source to Gravity War game |
grftxt.lzh | 33K | 33891 01/20/90 TP quick display text in graphics mode |
gsbbs.lzh | 57K | 58689 10/17/89 Pascal bbs |
gsdb28.lzh | 196K | 200571 03/27/93 GSDbase DBF NDX NTX DBT access w/source |
gsdbase.lzh | 18K | 18505 04/06/91 TP routines for dbase dbf,ndx, & memo |
handle.lzh | 11K | 10897 08/18/91 Simple DOS shell |
hashcpas.lzh | 11K | 11091 06/04/90 TP & C hashing code |
hashnr.lzh | 2,638B | 2638 02/19/92 Convert name to hash number |
hashoop.lzh | 4,782B | 4782 04/30/90 TP hashing object |
hdebug.lzh | 6,378B | 6378 02/19/92 Heap Debugging util |
header.lzh | 1,345B | 1345 11/04/90 Read softfont headers |
heap.lzh | 4,485B | 4485 02/16/91 Alternative heap routines for testing |
heapchka.lzh | 6,297B | 6297 06/13/92 Heap checking routines |
heapst10.lzh | 1,234B | undefined |
hlpsrc.lzh | 48K | 48789 12/14/91 Create OPRO help files from programs/commen |
hotm60.lzh | 5,263B | 5263 11/27/92 Modify TP6 IDE hotkeys |
hpset2.lzh | 7,082B | 7082 01/03/90 TP to set HP printer |
hptoscr2.lzh | 3,045B | 3045 04/30/90 TP HPGL plot to screen |
htscreen.lzh | 41K | 42021 11/27/92 Harald Thurmens screen routines FW |
ibmcom32.lzh | 7,588B | 7588 05/30/90 Ibmcom great comm routines w/CTS support (+) |
idfi42.lzh | 4,153B | 4153 11/27/92 Identify type of video card installed |
ifp1s150.lzh | 95K | 97623 02/19/92 InfoPlus detailed system info source v1.50 |
ihlzw.lzh | 4,772B | 4772 09/28/91 Object to support LZW compression (PD) |
indexgen.lzh | 92K | 94593 11/27/92 Generate an index from a text file |
indx18eu.lzh | 18K | 18448 11/27/92 Indexed files, encrypt |
ini_api.lzh | 8,776B | 8776 05/27/94 Code to access a *.INI file for information |
int24.lzh | 6,714B | 6714 09/11/89 TP critical error handler |
intansi.lzh | 879B | 879 06/13/92 Simple/short ansi interpreter |
intlog.lzh | 6,252B | 6252 12/14/91 Log Dos interrupts to a file |
io5150.lzh | 3,934B | 3934 11/04/90 Async communications routines |
iomon2.lzh | 32K | IO Monitor 80386 control program watches COM ports acting |
isres.lzh | 8,982B | 8982 08/12/90 Test whether TSR's are present |
itp9223.lzh | 11K | 10774 05/27/94 Inside Turbo Pascal Feb 92 |
itp9245.lzh | 7,623B | 7623 05/27/94 Inside Turbo Pascal Apr 92 |
itpapr90.lzh | 6,047B | 6047 04/06/91 Inside Turbo Pascal code Apr 90 |
itpaug90.lzh | 7,303B | 7303 04/06/91 Inside Turbo Pascal code Aug 90 |
itpdec89.lzh | 6,442B | 6442 03/27/93 Inside Turbo Pascal code Dec 89 |
itpfeb90.lzh | 6,420B | 6420 04/06/91 Inside Turbo Pascal code Feb 90 |
itpfeb91.lzh | 12K | 12363 03/27/93 Inside Turbo Pascal code Feb 91 |
itpjan90.lzh | 6,668B | 6668 04/06/91 Inside Turbo Pascal code Jan 90 |
itpjan91.lzh | 9,250B | 9250 03/27/93 Inside Turbo Pascal code Jan 91 |
itpjul90.lzh | 4,814B | 4814 04/06/91 Inside Turbo Pascal code Jul 90 |
itpjun90.lzh | 7,835B | 7835 04/06/91 Inside Turbo Pascal code Jun 90 |
itpmar90.lzh | 5,176B | 5176 04/06/91 Inside Turbo Pascal code Mar 90 |
itpmar91.lzh | 15K | 15589 03/27/93 Inside Turbo Pascal code Mar 91 |
itpmay90.lzh | 7,426B | 7426 04/06/91 Inside Turbo Pascal code May 90 |
itpnov89.lzh | 3,143B | 3143 03/27/93 Inside Turbo Pascal code Nov 89 |
itpoct89.lzh | 4,647B | 4647 03/27/93 Inside Turbo Pascal code Oct 89 |
itpoct90.lzh | 6,227B | 6227 04/06/91 Inside Turbo Pascal code Oct 90 |
itpsep89.lzh | 2,890B | 2890 03/27/93 Inside Turbo Pascal code Sep 89 |
itpsep90.lzh | 9,139B | 9139 04/06/91 Inside Turbo Pascal code Sep 90 |
jclzh32.lzh | 25K | 25263 08/12/90 TP source to Lharc v1.13 clone |
jdbtree1.lzh | 16K | 16486 08/18/91 Binary Tree routines |
jpd31r2.zip | 159K | V3.1 Release 2 - Door Writing Toolkit for TP5/TP6 |
jpdoor30.zip | 135K | V3.00 SE Door writing toolkit for Turbo Pascal 5.5/6.0 |
jpdoor32.zip | 174K | V3.2 SE (Maintenance Release) |
jplay.lzh | 44K | 45238 01/14/91 Play Pianoman MUZ files |
jttlib.lzh | 7,890B | 7890 04/06/91 Pascal pretty printer |
jubilee.lzh | 8,257B | 8257 10/05/90 Jubilee screen edit routines |
julcal.lzh | 1,984B | 1984 12/23/90 Julian calandar routines |
julian.lzh | 9,698B | 9698 12/23/90 Improved Julian calandar routines |
julian4.lzh | 2,380B | 2380 10/02/89 Julian date routines |
kbdhdr30.lzh | 3,150B | 3150 11/27/92 Keyboard symbolic readkey |
kbdstuff.lzh | 1,638B | 1638 04/08/90 TP put chars into kbd buffer |
kdpasfos.lzh | 2,050B | 2050 09/19/89 TP routines to call fossil driver |
keyint.lzh | 28K | 28208 11/27/92 Replacing the keyboard interrupt |
kiss_1.lzh | 28K | 28331 08/18/91 KISS simple interpreter |
kmouse10.lzh | 9,797B | 9797 11/20/89 Pascal mouse control routines |
kohan.lzh | 11K | 10909 04/06/91 Collection of routines |
kpars_00.lzh | 25K | 25972 01/21/95 TP source to parse arthimetic expressions ( |
ktools31.lzh | 40K | 40610 09/04/89 Pascal tools |
kunix_11.lzh | 13K | 13227 01/21/95 TP source for regular expression file searc |
laneoop.zip | 148K | undefined |
ldiff-s.lzh | 27K | 27482 09/15/89 Source to file diff utility |
linklist.lzh | 8,861B | 8861 09/04/89 Linked list routines |
lisp.lzh | 6,141B | 6141 11/04/90 Essence of a Lisp interpretter |
lists3.lzh | 11K | 11495 07/14/91 Linked list routines |
listsubs.lzh | 11K | 11022 11/04/90 List functions & procedures |
ljfonts.lzh | 19K | 19486 04/30/90 TP source to font downloader |
llist10.lzh | 4,310B | 4310 01/20/90 TP linked list routines |
lo-pas.lzh | 5,868B | 5868 07/06/90 Routines to read spreadsheets |
loancalc.lzh | 17K | 16959 10/05/90 Loan calculator |
lock4.lzh | 2,266B | 2266 02/25/90 TP file locking source |
logger.lzh | 5,981B | 5981 11/27/92 Log output of any program to file |
lotus1.lzh | 7,021B | 7021 04/15/90 Pascal to read worksheets |
lpt.lzh | 2,061B | 2061 10/05/90 LPT unit |
lzhsrc97.lzh | 7,829B | 7829 11/04/90 Source for LZH compression |
lzhufe.lzh | 21K | 21745 08/12/90 TP source to Lzh archiving |
magic.lzh | 10K | 10207 03/16/91 Magic squares game Pascal source |
makbin.lzh | 55K | 56588 11/04/90 Convert EXE to BIN |
makescrn.lzh | 5,451B | 5451 07/14/91 Text screen painting util w/source |
mand15b.lzh | 110K | 112306 03/31/90 TP mandelbrot source |
mapscr.lzh | 9,739B | 9739 12/14/91 Source to screen mapping |
marktime.lzh | 477B | 477 05/13/90 Save time of day in a var |
martin.lzh | 39K | 40225 12/14/91 Fractal screen saver (PD) |
master5.lzh | 50K | 51485 04/30/90 Source from Master TP |
maze.lzh | 4,661B | 4661 05/13/90 Generate a maze |
mem10.lzh | 18K | 18451 07/15/90 Pascal memory mapper |
memcmp.lzh | 1,724B | 1724 10/05/90 Fast memory compare |
memmap.lzh | 25K | 25779 09/15/89 Source to display dos memory blocks |
memmap2.lzh | 8,351B | 8351 10/05/90 Memory map routines |
memstr.lzh | 3,669B | 3669 07/15/90 Keep strings in memory |
menuge.lzh | 8,312B | 8312 04/06/91 TP6 TVision Menu generator |
metaname.lzh | 5,105B | 5105 11/20/89 TP4 source for wildcards |
mexcwswp.lzh | 19K | 19603 01/05/92 Modified windowed/swapping exec |
mgn.lzh | 16K | 15944 07/15/90 Menu generator |
minicrt.lzh | 4,977B | 4977 07/15/90 Replaces CRT unit for multitask |
miscunit.lzh | 26K | 26148 07/06/90 Misc pascal unit source |
mkavt100.lzh | 22K | 22475 03/27/93 Source for Avatar and Ansi emulation (FW) b |
mkerr101.lzh | 11K | 11349 09/28/91 Error handling routines |
mkexe001.lzh | 745K | 762472 08/11/95 Utilites/Executables for MK BBS (see MK Sr |
mkmsg102.zip | 214K | MK Msg Access Source for Squish, Jam, *.Msg, Hudson, and E |
mksm106.lzh | 221K | MK Source for Msg Access v1.06 - Mark May's Pascal OOP sou |
mksrc001.lzh | 375K | 384333 08/09/95 Full modern source to a BBS v.001 FW by Ma |
mltiview.lzh | 39K | 39679 10/05/90 Extend OPRO window flexibility |
mnglr130.lzh | 38K | 39252 05/27/94 Source code mangler (unreadable but still c |
mou.lzh | 44K | 44866 02/16/91 TP mouse routines |
mou105.lzh | 48K | 49117 12/14/91 Mouse routines including "graphics" cursor |
mouslib5.lzh | 9,435B | 9435 11/27/92 Mouse support unit |
movearea.lzh | 10K | 10271 12/14/91 Move areas around in Files.RA Bbs |
moves.lzh | 2,702B | 2702 05/04/90 Source - Fast memory moves |
movewipe.lzh | 21K | 21418 09/04/89 Source to move files |
mpi100.lzh | 6,328B | 6328 09/28/91 Outbound Fidomail describer |
mrgsort.lzh | 25K | 25141 11/04/90 Source for MergeSort |
msdemo.lzh | 9,123B | 9123 10/05/90 Sample mouse routines |
msortp.lzh | 24K | 24135 05/27/94 Merge sort routines from TurboPower softwar |
mtask20.lzh | 20K | 20633 03/18/90 Non-preemptive multitasking |
multpick.lzh | 3,558B | 3558 01/05/92 Multiline picklist (for OPRO) |
music.lzh | 3,900B | 3900 12/14/91 "Ansi" music routines (good) |
mymud20.lzh | 271K | LiveSystems MyMUD 2.0: MyMUD is a full fledged multiuser a |
qwik71.zip | 88K | Qwik Screen Utilities v7.1 for Turbo Pascal |
searchbm.zip | 8,182B | Advanced Boyer-Morre Search for Turbo Pascal (works with a |
tpbuf11.zip | 2,348B | TP-BUFFER v1.1; Pascal source to use the keyboard buffer. |
tplzh026.zip | 22K | Huffman compression Engine v0.26 for Turbo Pascal |
tspa3370.zip | 105K | Powerful collection of almost 200 Turbo Pascal 7.0 routine |
tvgr70.zip | 275K | TVGraphic; Port of Borland's text based Turbo Vision to DO |
wndw70.zip | 128K | MULTI-LEVEL VIRTUAL WINDOWS v7.0a for Turbo Pascal. |