File Libaries
Library: Programming - Directory: Programming - C - N
ndx201.lzh22K22081 02/16/91 BTree indexing routines
netbios2.lzh7,745B7745 03/16/91 C NetBios routines
ohlutile.lzh145K148987 03/16/91 Unix-like utils - executables
ohlutils.lzh202K206433 03/16/91 Unix-like utils - source code
ohlutilu.lzh119K122236 03/16/91 Unix-like utils - source code
omega2.lzh194K198504 07/25/92 Omega C+ windowing routines (FW)
p22v11.lzh22K22748 11/30/91 Patch v2.2 file patcher source
packdisk.lzh14K14007 03/16/91 C to copy files to fill floppies
paraview.lzh7,528B7528 07/25/92 Paradox viewer (for PXENG)
pcbasic.lzh92K94619 07/25/92 Source to a BASIC interpreter
pcm_src.lzh158K161555 11/30/91 PC Mail UUCP messages (FW)
pdsrt300.lzh35K35381 02/16/91 PD sorting routines
pdtar.lzh85K86528 07/25/92 Source to a PD Tar implemenation
pdxpp2.lzh12K12123 11/30/91 C+ interface to Paradox Engine
pfdisktc.lzh22K22230 07/25/92 Partition fixed disks
plot3d.lzh62K63240 11/30/91 3D plotting routines
prtpcx.lzh5,060B5060 02/16/91 Print PCX pics on HP LaserJet
ps0101.lzh40K40906 03/16/91 Pro source libraray sample
pvert.lzh88K90523 03/08/92 C source converts PKT <=> QWK
qwktxt30.lzh15K15113 05/03/91 Source to read QWK packets
rcs43src.lzh147K150215 11/30/91 RCS 4.3
rdobjsrc.lzh5,786B5786 11/30/91 Read .OBJ files
rtx.lzh75K76296 07/25/92 Real time multitasking
rzsz.lzh44K45330 03/16/91 Zmodem source code in C
rzsz144.lzh49K49868 03/16/91 More zmodem source code in C
savesc.lzh7,819B7819 11/30/91 Save screen to file
sblast14.lzh139K141986 07/25/92 SoundBlaster driver for BSD 386 Unix
scsitest.lzh55K56273 11/30/91 Test SCSI Devices
sft2.lzh15K15730 07/25/92 Monitor file/record locks
smallc.lzh79K80404 11/30/91 Small C compiler source code
sndcon.lzh13K13766 07/25/92 Convert SND/WAV/VOC/etc to WAV/RAW
snip8-91.lzh111K113453 11/30/91 Code Snippets from C echo
snippets.lzh78K79750 03/16/91 Snippets of code from Fido C echo
soundsrc.lzh34K34875 02/16/91 Sound source routines
spawno30.lzh55K56207 02/16/91 Spawn function with swapping to EMS/Disk
spaz_02.lzh13K13092 02/16/91 Mangle text with Hi-Bit characters
sprite.lzh169K172605 03/16/91 C sprite routines
src-a4.lzh71K72774 07/25/92 DWC archiver source
szml2src.lzh12K11854 02/16/91 Check on size of outbound mail packets
tc-dbf.lzh15K15597 06/09/92 TC source to access DBF files
tcwave.lzh77K78523 07/25/92 Demo of fourier's theorem
tde10.lzh106K108883 11/30/91 TDE Text editor
tdvapi.lzh13K13684 07/25/92 DLL for video mode access for TDW
tokrep.lzh10K10642 02/16/91 Tokenize a file
unarj220.lzh34K34473 11/30/91 UnArj source code v2.20
unzip401.lzh69K70986 02/16/91 Unzip routines v4.01
uupc09ds.lzh183K187737 03/16/91 UUCP source code
vollabel.lzh7,256B7256 03/08/92 C source to change a volume lable
wdch.lzh193B193 03/16/91 Disk change detection
xlib20.zip57KXLIB v2.0; ASM/C Language (DOS Extender Library)
xlisp2tc.lzh81K82673 02/16/91 XLisp source code in TC
xmslib12.lzh15K15692 11/30/91 XMS memory access v1.2
yawl11.lzh7,593B7593 03/08/92 Yet Another Windowing Library - freeware
zip10ex.lzh149K152739 11/30/91 ZIP archieve code v1.0