3dlib.lzh | 47K | 47742 09/04/89 3d libraray |
access.lzh | 7,053B | 7053 09/09/90 Prevent Abort/Retry/Ignore msg |
addpcx.lzh | 54K | 55805 12/08/90 Source to add PCX support |
address.lzh | 33K | 33663 11/16/90 C source to address book |
animsrc.lzh | 54K | 54826 12/25/89 C source to animation routines |
ansi5msc.lzh | 14K | 14261 07/29/90 C source to a windowed ansi driver |
ansic.lzh | 5,997B | 5997 01/22/91 C source to an ansi driver |
aparse.lzh | 15K | 15281 09/04/89 C parsing routines |
approx.lzh | 1,881B | 1881 07/29/90 C approximate string matching |
ar002.lzh | 27K | 27589 12/08/90 Source to AR archiving program v.02 |
arithcod.lzh | 17K | 17844 02/02/90 C arith coding compression |
asm68k.lzh | 64K | 65771 10/31/90 C source to a 68000 assembler |
asolver.lzh | 32K | 33004 03/07/90 C expression parser |
asynctst.lzh | 70K | 71301 06/12/90 C source to test Async ports |
avltree.lzh | 18K | 18057 09/04/89 AVL tree source |
awindows.lzh | 36K | 37286 11/16/90 C windowing routines |
awksc213.lzh | 54K | 55182 09/09/90 Source to Awk v2.13 |
b-plus11.lzh | 17K | 17332 09/04/89 C code to B-plus trees |
barcod.lzh | 9,439B | 9439 05/24/90 C source to print barcodes |
basic-c.lzh | 35K | 36061 09/04/89 C source to basic |
bcdfloat.lzh | 6,423B | 6423 09/09/90 BCD math routines |
be.lzh | 19K | 19543 01/17/90 C source to a bit editor |
bintre.lzh | 2,576B | 2576 09/04/89 Binary tree in C |
blit.lzh | 43K | 44361 05/24/90 Bit blitter |
bm12.lzh | 12K | 11884 04/30/90 TC Boyer/Moore string searches |
bmgrep2.lzh | 23K | 23160 10/31/90 Boyer-Moore version of Grep |
bnslib.lzh | 31K | 32171 09/04/89 Turbo C librarian |
bplus120.lzh | 21K | 21181 01/17/90 C B-Tree routines |
bsfx_240.lzh | 41K | 41977 09/09/90 Fixes to BinkleyTerm v2.40 |
bsrc230.lzh | 281K | undefined |
bsrc_240.lzh | 374K | 382888 07/21/90 C source to Binkley mailer v2.40 |
bsrcp240.lzh | 16K | 16645 08/19/90 C source to OS2 changes for BinkleyTerm |
btreec.lzh | 29K | 29637 09/04/89 Btree in C |
btrees.lzh | 39K | 39818 09/04/89 PC Tech B tree code |
c-doc.lzh | 29K | 29927 06/12/90 Documentation for c-files1 |
c-files.lzh | 45K | 45639 01/03/90 Misc C source code |
c-files1.lzh | 45K | 45639 06/12/90 Collection of c routines |
c-lang-2.lzh | 113K | 115914 09/04/89 C language examples |
c-lang-3.lzh | 134K | 137428 01/03/90 Misc C source code |
c-win.lzh | 24K | 24159 09/09/90 C PD windowing routines |
c2dbase1.lzh | 58K | 59801 03/26/90 C functions for Dbase |
c_btree.lzh | 39K | 39818 09/04/89 Btree in C |
c_chest.lzh | 271K | 277982 11/03/90 Collection of C routines |
c_comm.lzh | 14K | 14078 09/04/89 C comm routines |
c_edit.lzh | 42K | 42729 05/24/90 C source to editor |
c_math.lzh | 16K | 16789 02/02/90 C expression parser/eval |
cadsrc.lzh | 64K | 65146 09/04/89 C source to cad routines |
cal2.lzh | 930B | 930 06/27/90 C source for calandar |
cans2.lzh | 25K | 26064 10/31/90 Common answers to C questions |
careware.lzh | 15K | 15109 06/27/90 Make C programs self-aware |
cbase09.lzh | 160K | 164262 01/03/90 Cbase C database source |
cbcpp.lzh | 274K | 280753 12/23/90 Cbase C+ database source |
cbddl102.lzh | 36K | 36890 12/23/90 Cbase data definition util |
ccc1053a.lzh | 28K | 28787 12/08/90 C+ Preprocessor v1.053 (1of3) |
ccc1053b.lzh | 219K | 224552 12/08/90 C+ Preprocessor v1.053 (2of3) |
ccc1053c.lzh | 298K | 304817 12/08/90 C+ Preprocessor v1.053 (3of3) |
cdb.lzh | 4,543B | 4543 12/08/90 C routines to read DBF files |
cdecl2.lzh | 38K | 38731 09/04/89 C declarations |
cenglish.lzh | 11K | 11519 04/30/90 C for parsing english |
chgsrc.lzh | 28K | 28251 04/08/90 C source to check pairs of symbols |
cisam.lzh | 26K | 26954 09/04/89 C ISAM file routines |
ckit10c.lzh | 68K | 69321 06/27/90 C kit for writing bbs doors |
cmodm091.lzh | 56K | 57308 04/27/90 Comm program in C |
cmp16src.lzh | 15K | 15083 09/04/89 Source to an archiver |
cnews011.lzh | 33K | 34146 09/04/89 C newsletter |
cnews019.lzh | 32K | 32484 08/19/90 C Newsletter v.19 |
comio.lzh | 4,921B | 4921 09/04/89 C source to serial io |
config.lzh | 17K | 17502 06/27/90 C source to get system info |
cpp.lzh | 102K | 104233 05/24/90 Decus C pre-processor |
cppgram.lzh | 51K | 51712 05/26/90 YACC grammer for C+ |
cppstrin.lzh | 29K | 29712 08/19/90 C+ string functions |
cprof.lzh | 5,222B | 5222 12/25/89 C execution profiler |
csamples.lzh | 314K | 321792 09/04/89 C source samples |
csap208b.lzh | 24K | 24370 09/04/89 C source to sort dir |
cshell.lzh | 32K | 32373 04/08/90 C routines for wildcat bbs doors |
csr-tc.lzh | 137K | 140700 09/04/89 C spot run windowing package |
cstructs.lzh | 3,605B | 3605 10/31/90 C structures to RA Bbs |
ctask20.lzh | 221K | 226799 01/04/90 C source for multitasking 12/89 vers |
ctutdsk1.lzh | 98K | 100251 09/04/89 C tutor (1of2) |
ctutdsk2.lzh | 88K | 89823 09/04/89 C tutor (2of2) |
cug181.lzh | 144K | 147467 10/31/90 C Users Group v1.81 |
cug231.lzh | 88K | 90051 09/04/89 C users group smalltalk |
cug232.lzh | 90K | 92648 09/04/89 C users group smalltalk |
cutpaste.lzh | 13K | 13795 04/30/90 C for cut/paste columns |
cwrite.lzh | 17K | 17571 09/04/89 No desc |
cxl-sfd2.lzh | 40K | 41439 11/03/90 CXL screen & form designer |
cxl52-1.lzh | 164K | 168165 08/19/90 CXL C library v5.2 (1of2) |
cxl52-2.lzh | 185K | 189165 08/19/90 CXL C library v5.2 (2of2) |
cxl_tc.lzh | 31K | 31314 09/04/89 TC screen routines |
cxlhderr.lzh | 3,083B | 3083 11/03/90 CXL hard error |
cxlxplod.lzh | 4,099B | 4099 11/03/90 CXL exploding windows |
dbv1_2.lzh | 34K | 34726 12/08/90 C database routines |
de.lzh | 101K | 103769 06/12/90 Dialog editor |
decoder.lzh | 4,939B | 4939 09/04/89 Gif style decoder source |
detar.lzh | 6,495B | 6495 01/03/90 C source to a de-tar unarc |
detect00.lzh | 9,517B | 9517 11/03/90 How to detect multitasking environ |
dezipinc.lzh | 24K | 25068 09/04/89 C source to an unzipper |
drystone.lzh | 3,519B | 3519 04/30/90 C Drystone benchmark |
dte50.lzh | 145K | 148871 12/23/90 Source to an editor using serial port |
dtst20.lzh | 19K | 19203 12/23/90 Source to disk tester for "slow" sectors |
dva_tcpp.lzh | 22K | 22286 09/09/90 C+ to make program DesqView aware |
dvglue09.lzh | 132K | 134770 10/31/90 Routines to make program DV aware |
emacssrc.lzh | 229K | 234538 09/04/89 Emacs V3.9 source |
emsfun.lzh | 12K | 12510 09/09/90 EMS functions |
emslib.lzh | 22K | 22617 11/03/90 EMS memory library |
encoder.lzh | 12K | 12016 09/04/89 Gif encoder routines |
f2c.lzh | 215K | 220031 04/27/90 Fortran to C converter |
fastw-c.lzh | 3,664B | 3664 09/04/89 Fast writes in C |
files.bak | 8,848B | undefined |
fillflop.lzh | 11K | 11314 05/24/90 C floppy copy fill routines |
flex.lzh | 140K | 143466 05/05/90 Fast Lex parser source |
flexdos.lzh | 127K | undefined |
flilib.lzh | 94K | 96651 05/05/90 Souce to handle .FLI files |
forier.lzh | 7,037B | 7037 09/09/90 Forrier routines in C |
frasrc12.lzh | 314K | 321974 04/08/90 C fractal source |
fsedsrc.lzh | 54K | 55632 07/29/90 C source to full screen editor |
getcolor.lzh | 9,826B | 9826 06/27/90 C pick a color routines |
giftif.lzh | 36K | 37236 03/26/90 C to convert gif's to tif's |
gifutl.lzh | 32K | 32436 01/20/90 C source for reading gif's |
graf_src.lzh | 107K | 109580 08/19/90 C graphing routines |
gridmsrc.lzh | 67K | 68489 09/04/89 C source for gridmaker |
hashpfct.lzh | 6,974B | 6974 09/04/89 C hashing routines |
hyperc11.lzh | 87K | 89002 05/01/90 Hypertext C source browser v1.1 |
ibmcom-c.lzh | 7,213B | 7213 01/17/90 Ibmcom comm routines converted to C |
iconed.lzh | 32K | 33184 12/25/89 C icon editor |
iconevga.lzh | 27K | 27323 07/29/90 Utility to create TC icons |
include.lzh | 3,093B | 3093 04/08/90 C fidonet msg format headers |
index.lzh | 31K | 31839 09/04/89 C isam routines |
iocc_90.lzh | 29K | 30118 04/08/90 Obfusicated C winners/rules 1990 |
isam.lzh | 17K | 17434 12/08/90 Norton guide data for ISAM |
isetl386.lzh | 116K | 119040 10/31/90 C source to Iset language |
jzformat.lzh | 17K | 17041 04/30/90 C for diskette formatting |
lbsynth.lzh | 95K | 97297 02/02/90 C synthesizer source/plans |
lex.lzh | 95K | 97157 05/05/90 Lex parser source |
lh_ansic.lzh | 27K | 27392 12/25/89 LZH routines in ansi C |
lhtst.lzh | 24K | 24718 01/17/90 C compression routines |
lib.lzh | 5,580B | 5580 01/20/90 C source for Adlib rol & bnk util |
limituse.lzh | 30K | 30335 04/08/90 C source to limit use on networks |
lt_net.lzh | 56K | 56907 03/07/90 C network source |
lz-comp.lzh | 18K | 18134 09/04/89 Source for lzh compr method |
mcomm530.lzh | 77K | 78344 09/19/90 C async routines |
mimic11.lzh | 106K | 108694 04/08/90 C source to sound/voice player |
mnpc13.lzh | 48K | 48812 04/08/90 C source to MNP modem routines |
msclocat.lzh | 3,150B | 3150 01/17/90 Emulate mouse with cursor keys |
msgd2src.lzh | 96K | 98308 08/19/90 C source to MsgEd editor |
n_yoohoo.lzh | 12K | 12770 01/17/90 C source to Yoohoo protocol |
netbiosc.lzh | 7,039B | 7039 04/27/90 Net Bios routines in C |
newopt88.lzh | 9,915B | 9915 09/04/89 Optimizer for PCC |
ngs12.lzh | 19K | 18963 12/08/90 Source to a Norton guide splitter |
obfusc89.lzh | 21K | 21749 01/03/90 Obfusicate C winners 1989 |
opqcp.lzh | 16K | 16527 07/04/90 Make C source Opaque-impossible to read |
paxsrc.lzh | 243K | 249053 05/24/90 C source to Pax tar/cpio |
pcc-comm.lzh | 36K | 36517 09/04/89 PCC communications |
pcc-fnct.lzh | 31K | 32026 09/04/89 PCC functions |
pcc12b.lzh | 183K | 187129 09/04/89 PCC S/W C Compiler |
pcc_tsr.lzh | 21K | 21346 03/07/90 PCC C TSR routines |
pcpilot.lzh | 51K | 51878 12/08/90 Source to a programmers TSR |
pcunix.lzh | 79K | 81241 01/20/90 C source for unix style utils |
pcview.lzh | 52K | 53694 05/05/90 Source to view IFF files |
pcx-in-c.lzh | 28K | 29051 05/26/90 C routines for PCX pics |
pdsrt200.lzh | 22K | 22559 06/12/90 Sort utility |
pf.lzh | 24K | 25017 06/17/90 C source for a pick a file routine |
phone110.lzh | 31K | 31932 01/17/90 C source to bbs chat utility |
pix_fmt.lzh | 3,630B | 3630 11/05/90 Format of many graphic file types |
pmedit.lzh | 52K | 52805 11/03/90 PM edit |
polcalc.lzh | 19K | 19330 11/03/90 RPN calculator source |
popspawn.lzh | 18K | 17937 06/12/90 Pop-up command.com |
pstscdoc.lzh | 18K | 18464 09/04/89 Postscript documentation |
pstscfts.lzh | 90K | 92576 09/04/89 Postscript fonts |
pstscpst.lzh | 24K | 24394 09/04/89 Postscript |
pstscsrc.lzh | 117K | 120204 09/04/89 Postscript C source |
pup-v1a.lzh | 111K | 113801 10/31/90 C source to Pup Bbs |
pwgen.lzh | 26K | 27063 06/27/90 C pronouncable password generator |
realcnvt.lzh | 6,297B | 6297 11/03/90 Convert to/from Basic Reals |
refcard.lzh | 7,553B | 7553 05/24/90 C reference card |
romb2env.lzh | 11K | 11676 06/17/90 C source to put rom date into environment |
rzsz144.lzh | 52K | 53629 12/25/89 C source to zmodem |
sc2.lzh | 73K | 74942 04/27/90 Spreadsheet compiler in C |
scsidrvr.lzh | 10K | 10492 01/03/90 C source to a scsi driver |
sdb.lzh | 86K | 87834 01/17/90 C source to Simple Data Base |
sealink.lzh | 25K | 25432 09/04/89 C source to sealink |
server.lzh | 5,212B | 5212 06/12/90 C source for Uuslave |
softc103.lzh | 84K | 85657 08/19/90 C data & index library v1.03 |
sptree.lzh | 15K | 15620 09/04/89 Splay tree |
src-a4.lzh | 78K | 80145 09/04/89 Source to DWC archiever |
swap300.lzh | 91K | 93649 10/31/90 PD swap program to EMS/Disk |
t1kv201.lzh | 47K | 48599 01/22/91 Tandy graphices driver |
t2c.lzh | 110K | 112981 09/04/89 Turbo to C conv |
tc-cod.lzh | 11K | 11295 11/03/90 Show TC mixed with Asm output |
tc21pt.lzh | 7,884B | 7884 04/27/90 Patches for Turbo C v2 |
tc2pat.lzh | 21K | 21653 09/04/89 Turbo C v2 patches |
tc_btree.lzh | 39K | 39683 09/04/89 Turbo C btree source |
tcalgol.lzh | 23K | 23749 04/30/90 TC algorithms |
tcbison.lzh | 107K | 109665 09/04/89 Turbo C Bison Yacc |
tchk21.lzh | 228K | 233475 01/17/90 TC Library - docs,source,hdr |
tchk21ex.lzh | 149K | 152684 01/17/90 TC Library - examples |
tchk21ng.lzh | 109K | 112056 01/17/90 TC Library - Norton guide data |
tchrt3.lzh | 54K | 54811 11/03/90 TC High Resolution Timer |
tcisam1.lzh | 31K | 31839 09/04/89 TC isam routines |
tcod.lzh | 1,739B | 1739 01/22/91 Mix C & asm output *.COD |
tcpack.lzh | 15K | 15848 12/25/89 TC source to pack database |
tctools.lzh | 165K | 168522 12/25/89 TC tools |
tcxl55.lzh | 267K | 273292 10/31/90 CXL windowing library (1of2) |
tcxl_lib.lzh | 247K | 252545 10/31/90 CXL windowing library (2of2) |
tcxlv103.lzh | 37K | 38193 12/23/90 CXL file viewer source |
teachc.lzh | 89K | 91290 03/07/90 Learning C |
tech_c.lzh | 10K | 10402 06/12/90 C source for utils for Lantastic |
tencmdc.lzh | 1,382B | 1382 09/04/89 Ten commandments of C |
tftool.lzh | 62K | 63941 09/19/90 C Tif image tools |
tkernel.lzh | 55K | 56270 11/03/90 Multitasking kernel from DDJ |
tpaint50.lzh | 39K | 39868 12/23/90 Source to a paint program |
tpl1-10.lzh | 23K | 23097 11/09/89 C source to a threaded language |
tptc17sc.lzh | 66K | 67665 04/27/90 Convert Pascal to C |
tsearch.lzh | 12K | 12039 02/02/90 C AVL tree routines |
tst104.lzh | 19K | 19147 07/21/90 Pop up Dos swapping current program to disk |
ttable.lzh | 92K | 93951 04/27/90 Access Paradox tables from C |
unek100a.lzh | 15K | 15288 06/12/90 C source for Unique lines filter |
unzip201.lzh | 30K | 30514 12/08/90 Source to unzip files v2.01 |
uupc.lzh | 119K | 121594 03/26/90 UUCP for PC's w/C source |
vf.lzh | 25K | 25456 11/03/90 File browser source |
viewcmos.lzh | 11K | 11689 08/19/90 C source to view CMOS values |
visions.lzh | 117K | 120094 05/24/90 C screen library |
wdigital.lzh | 27K | 27397 11/27/89 C source to low level HD formatter |
wi10.lzh | 21K | 21179 10/31/90 Wilkes Indexing Lib for Dos |
wid10.lzh | 20K | 20561 10/31/90 Wilkes Indexing Lib for OS2 |
wildcard.lzh | 6,829B | 6829 04/27/90 Wildcard routines in C |
winx.lzh | 39K | 39949 09/04/89 Windowed Xmodem source |
wndc20.lzh | 119K | 121473 09/04/89 C window |
wrt123.lzh | 4,126B | 4126 04/27/90 Access WKS from C |
x10unix.lzh | 34K | 34725 02/02/90 C X10 control |
xinu.lzh | 59K | 59981 05/24/90 Xinu is not Unix in C |
xmodem-c.lzh | 2,162B | 2162 09/04/89 Xmodem source in C |
xschsrc.lzh | 62K | 63509 12/25/89 C source to Xscheme language |
xtcpro.lzh | 50K | 50944 11/03/90 Extending Turbo C routines |
ymodemc.lzh | 8,624B | 8624 09/04/89 Ymodem source in C |
zmnp11.lzh | 116K | 118544 05/24/90 Zmodem & MNP2 in C |
zmodc.lzh | 8,194B | 8194 12/25/89 C modifications to zmodem |
zmodem.lzh | 54K | 55641 09/04/89 Zmodem source in C |
zmodsrc.lzh | 42K | 43504 12/25/89 More zmodem source in C |