File Libaries
Library: Programming - Directory: Programming - Fortran
extenpr.zip8,480BFORTRAN pgm - Extend the precision of decimals
f2c_exe.zip279KBinaries & Libs for f2c Fortran to C converter
f2c_src.zip333KSource for f2c, Fortran 77-to-C converter
fatdos.zip22KLibrary to access DOS from within FORTRAN
forchek1.zip394KFortran for semantic errors;req math prc
ftnchk25.zip66KFortran code analyzer for debugging
fv121s.zip153KFORTRAN library for video-regs/pop-down-menus
libry51.zip212KFORTRAN library - mathematics & thermodynamics
linpkdrv.arc57Kmath equations for Fortran - 1 of 2
linpklib.arc105Kmath equations for Fortran - 2 of 2
pcrng.zip10KRandom number generator for use with Fortran
random.arc4,395BRandom number generator - one of the best
tidy621.zip115KClean up FORTRAN-77 programs w/FORTRAN src
token.for2,226BTokenize a string (C 'StrTok') for Fortran 77
weekday.for1,107BCalc weekday of date, Zeller Congruence algor.