1edra310.zip | 66K | 1Edit-RA, v3.10. User/menu editor for RA. |
262to263.zip | 105K | DESQview's behavior modified to work around abuy in RA v2. |
416_905.zip | 12K | Remoteaccess 2.0x sysops: Update youruserfile to change ar |
acf515r2.lzh | 170K | cf515r2.lzh 174458 05/19/91 AcFiles File list/download doo |
acf560f3.zip | 851K | File Mamagement System v5.60.3 Upgrade. |
activ100.zip | 16K | RA 2.0 Activity scanner v1.0 |
adjcallr.lzh | 46K | djcallr.lzh 46924 06/02/90 Last callers utility |
adpro10g.zip | 12K | AdPRO 1.00; This program will add ad's for your BBS to ZIP |
af2ra.zip | 5,493B | Allfix> RemoteAccess conversion utility. Converts Allfix F |
alab126.zip | 180K | ArchiveLAB v1.26; Utility for RA 1.xx & 2.00 sysops to tes |
all_110.zip | 29K | v1.10, Maintenance Utility |
am130.zip | 13K | collection of ANSI menu examples for RA |
am210.zip | 50K | version 2.10. |
am_60.zip | 66K | Online Archive Master version 6.0 * | |-| | AM is a Remote |
amsg100.lzh | 14K | msg100.lzh 13924 03/06/90 Auto message to all users |
ansied.lzh | 15K | nsied.lzh 15359 12/27/89 External ansi editor |
anufi20.zip | 30K | Fichero de configuracion de ANUFI 2.0 (de ejemplo) Datos o |
aoi10.zip | 47K | v1.00) Act Of Impulse User Registration door for Remote Ac |
apause11.zip | 5,343B | . |
apnt_102.zip | 125K | - Pointlist Generator |
areamgr5.zip | 37K | AreaMGR v5.0 * | |-| | AreaMGR is a RemoteAccess 2.0x mess |
arjban.zip | 14K | to files.ra |
auser231.zip | 50K | AutoUser v2.31; Powerful program that will automatically u |
auu100.zip | 30K | AUU-Auto User Upgrader; User security maintenance robot fo |
auu110.zip | 46K | AUU 1.10 - Auto User Upgrader for RemoteAccess 2.00. Now i |
b2day300.lzh | 95K | 2day300.lzh 97541 11/25/90 Shows mailer & bbs activity |
badfl11.zip | 22K | Automatically add unde- *-+ | sired files into RA 2.xx +-+ |
bat2fd10.zip | 56K | to run FD and RA multi-node |
batsv121.zip | 391K | BATS - BBS Activity Tracking System version 1.21 for Remot |
bbcopy02.zip | 15K | BBSCopy v0.20 - RemoteAccess FileBase Copier |
bbe101.lzh | 28K | be101.lzh 28733 12/27/89 External editor |
bbs900ra.zip | 139K | BBS900RA v1.0 For RemoteAccess SysOpsrunning either a "Pay |
bbs_pak1.zip | 245K | Package of 5 great utils for ra/sbbs/qbbs. |
bbskd92.zip | 35K | Designed to run as a loggon door |
bbspr10.zip | 618K | BBS Page Rotater v1.0; Rotate up to 999 different page son |
bbsrpt14.zip | 104K | BBS Reporter is a log file processor that reads your RA 2. |
bcaster2.zip | 12K | BCAST-2 will send online messages to other nodes of a Remo |
bcopy050.zip | 22K | BBSCopy v0.50; RemoteAccess 2.0 Sysop utility that allows |
bd_ra201.zip | 28K | BIRTH_RA.EXE v2.01: Birthday List Generator for RemoteAcce |
bday_330.zip | 17K | Birthday bulletin generator for RA & QBBS. |
bestl105.zip | 28K | BESTLIST version 1.05. < - A RemoteAccess 2.00 FileBase ut |
birthday.zip | 699B | ANSI Birthday Screen For RA/QBBS |
bm212.zip | 39K | Birthday Maker v2.12 | | --- | | | | Birthday Maker is RA |
brows201.zip | 53K | RA files.bbs Browser utility. |
bsort102.zip | 13K | BBS_SORT supports QuickBBS RemoteAccess |
bugs11.zip | 145K | Catch The Bugs online door game v1.1. Will work on most an |
bulg_ral.zip | 8,020B | file for RemoteAccess 1.10 |
bw100_ra.zip | 189K | Offline Reader DOOR for RA |
bwave205.zip | 179K | Offline Reader user side for RA |
bwra199a.zip | 254K | Bluewave off-line mail door for remoteaccess version 2.00g |
c-b402.zip | 138K | Callback v4.02 RA/SBBS/QBBS callback verifier |
callchek.zip | 70K | scan your RA/FD logs and provides over 90 bits of info |
caller11.lzh | 9,075B | aller11.lzh 9075 12/27/89 Makes list of recent callers |
cbv120.lzh | 89K | bv120.lzh 91579 12/27/89 Call back verifier v1.2 |
cbv121up.lzh | 31K | bv121up.lzh 32244 12/27/89 Update call back verifier to v1 |
cctrx30.zip | 105K | use Credit Cards for memberships, etc |
cctrx50.zip | 136K | CC-TRX v5.0 - Credit Card Door for RA 2.02 Supports Checki |
cdrom03.zip | 11K | CDROM Update v0.3beta - Mounts and dismounts CDs from the |
cfgdump.lzh | 15K | fgdump.lzh 15427 11/01/90 RA configuration dump |
cfix100.lzh | 6,426B | fix100.lzh 6426 01/24/90 Fix cities in user record |
chain100.zip | 68K | Chain Reaction, a door game for remote Access/QuikBBS. |
chat22.zip | 18K | CHAT.EXE Remote Dos Chat Program - Also distributed as par |
chatm241.zip | 283K | Chat Manager Multi-Line Split Screen. |
chats020.zip | 86K | Time-chat v0.20 - excellent multiline-chat for RA111. |
chtdr102.lzh | 16K | htdr102.lzh 15890 11/01/90 RA multi-node chat door |
cidph200.zip | 99K | CIDPHONE v2.00: for RemoteAccess 2.0x. To check the authen |
cm1lin12.zip | 38K | CM1LINER v1.0b; A door for Remote access users to let the |
cmbbsl12.zip | 41K | CMBBSLST v1.1b; A door for Remote access users to let othe |
cmemsi31.zip | 37K | CMEMSI v3.01; DOOR to let the users know what flags ,. the |
cmrapw12.zip | 41K | CMRAPWD v1.1; A door for Remote access to protect your bbs |
cnt_11.zip | 12K | total systems calls; RA |
cntra100.zip | 52K | CNet 1.00 for Remote Access! CNet is a QWK/REP importer/ex |
cnumbu22.zip | 19K | CNUMBU.EXE Caller Number Backup utility for RemoteAccess 2 |
co102.zip | 56K | Quick and easy way to write your own doors. |
comb-fix.lzh | 2,695B | omb-fix.lzh 2695 01/24/90 Fix combined msg record |
combine2.lzh | 23K | ombine2.lzh 23143 09/17/89 Makes combined msg areas perman |
condmp01.lzh | 13K | ondmp01.lzh 13198 11/25/89 Conditional message pack |
confdump.lzh | 11K | onfdump.lzh 11680 11/01/90 RA conference dump |
conv10.lzh | 3,758B | onv10.lzh 3758 03/02/91 Convert ExitInfo from/to .04 & 1.0 |
convert1.lzh | 8,874B | onvert1.lzh 8874 03/07/93 Converts 2.0 *.RA files to run w |
cook_101.zip | 349K | different fortune for each caller |
cookie34.zip | 52K | LiveSystems Fortune Cookie Showing Door for RA v2.00. |
crypt145.zip | 40K | CryptoGrammer Decoding Door |
cv_flsra.zip | 8,792B | Converts Ra 2.0's files.ra file to v1.11. |
cv_msgra.zip | 8,865B | Converts Ra 2.0's message.ra file to v1.11. |
cvt2.zip | 13K | beta/gamma Exitinfo.bbs & UserOn.bbs converting Utili |
cybcal10.zip | 38K | CYBCALL: The best TODAY CALLER door ever! Has following op |
cyblin10.zip | 63K | CyBLiNE v1.0: BEST ONELINER DOOR EVER! Custom Screen + Col |
cybmkb11.zip | 62K | CyB*MSG-KB RaTiO |# #|-CyBiC-|# #| No messages? Force |# # |
cybst10.zip | 25K | CyBiC PRODUCTiONS] # = ]*[ Top 10 User Statistics # For RE |
cybtag10.zip | 48K | CyBTaG v1.0 #. -*-*- Adds taglines to msgs written online. |
danlist2.zip | 29K | DanList For RemoteAccess/SuperBBS/QuickBBS DANLIST is the |
daystat1.zip | 59K | DayStat v1.0b|-+ | Small multipurpose utility: | | Creates |
dbuser03.zip | 19K | Convert USER.BBS file into USER.DBF. |
dcall400.zip | 21K | D-CaLL v4.00: a replacement for RA's internal today's call |
ddoor420.zip | 35K | DDOOR v4.20; Utility for RemoteAccess which will automatic |
dep_53e.zip | 108K | INSTAbank 5.3e - RA2.00x time and byte bank. |
diduknow.zip | 27K | v1.0) DIDUKNOW (Engels) +-+ | VaBa!Soft Utils for RA 2.0x |
digichat.zip | 7,538B | SoundBlaster or Adlib to be paged! Uses Page.ra |
dinfavt5.zip | 35K | Now removes -R from DORINFO1.DEF. For RA v2.00. |
dlcnt11.zip | 26K | Very good remote access download counter. Comes with a pro |
dlspc110.zip | 23K | FILES.BBS Download Counter Spacer for QuickBBS/RA. Changes |
dmpcfg12.lzh | 12K | mpcfg12.lzh 12359 11/09/91 Dump RA v1.10 config to text fi |
dn21r111.zip | 103K | Door News v2.1 for RA 1.xx; Remote Access Door Program tha |
dn21r200.zip | 101K | Door News v2.1 for RA 2.0; Remote Access Door Program that |
dn30ra20.zip | 165K | DoorNews 3.0 is an online door program written specificall |
door115k.zip | 2,129B | DOOR.SYS at 115200bps! Run "Door.sys" style doors under RA |
dor-hlp.zip | 2,160B | Help file for running door programs | | with RemoteAccess |
dsdkno10.zip | 37K | Keno v1.0; BBS door for IBM, RemoteAccess Compatible BBS s |
dsdpke10.zip | 39K | Poker v1.0; BBS door for RemoteAccess Compatible BBS syste |
dsdsta10.zip | 39K | DSD Statistics Generator V1.0 User statistics generator fo |
dsdvte13.zip | 47K | User Voting Door V1.3; Remote-Access V1.11/V2.0 Compatible |
dsort300.zip | 18K | D-SoRt v3.0: a lightning fast FILES.BBS sort for RA. Menu |
dstat520.zip | 30K | DSTAT v5.20; Top User stats for RA! handle support, exclud |
dsys2ei.zip | 6,529B | This simple utility will read the DOOR.SYS and create the |
dtl_20.zip | 6,411B | Door Time Limiter v2.0; Limit your users time limit in eac |
dupechek.zip | 6,694B | Check RA Users.bbs for Dupe Phone Numbers. |
duser200.zip | 25K | DUSER v2.00 * ANS/ASC Userlist Bulletin generator for RA v |
dutc_ral.zip | 7,632B | file for RemoteAcess 1.10 |
e_tag216.zip | 141K | EASTtag v2.16; Replacement for Ra_files and Ra_New. Area V |
eehs_030.lzh | 12K | ehs_030.lzh 12692 08/18/91 EchoMail Engine v.03 |
eft130.zip | 345K | The enhanced file transfer door for RA/QBBS and SBBS. |
elite2.zip | 26K | ELiTE 2 Command Shell FINAL! -Synchronet BBS v2.10a |
eracem.zip | 30K | by Mike Janke |
erfa_100.zip | 18K | File areas. Sort, replace, delete, insert! |
erfa_210.zip | 42K | ERFA v2.0; Edit Raccess File Areas v2.0 |
erud_10s.zip | 38K | The Door of Erudition v1.0s; Bulletin writer With a few sp |
etr1_223.zip | 192K | EASTtag v2.23 For RA 1.xx; Area Viewer and also keyword, f |
etr2_223.zip | 208K | EASTtag v2.23 For RA 2.00; Area Viewer and also keyword, f |
evntdump.lzh | 10K | vntdump.lzh 10664 11/01/90 RA event dump |
exitconv.zip | 7,096B | Utility to run current doors under new RA v2.00. |
exitedit.lzh | 6,639B | xitedit.lzh 6639 10/05/91 Edit ExitInfo for RA |
exitinfo.lzh | 11K | xitinfo.lzh 10840 03/07/93 Converts RA 2.0 <=> 1.11 ExitIn |
extpw104.zip | 47K | Extended Check and Change Password for RA 2.0 |
fakeuser.zip | 7,856B | FAKEUSER> for RemoteAccess 2.x BBS Updates your USERSON.BB |
fasrt300.lzh | 25K | asrt300.lzh 25140 04/20/91 Sort RA file areas v3.0 |
fatcat20.zip | 17K | Update file download counters. |
fatt121.zip | 104K | server version 1.21 |
fbu_100.zip | 66K | The Files.Bbs utility v1.0 |
fc_03.zip | 11K | FileCost v0.3; FileCost will update your files database wi |
fcfgedit.zip | 17K | File Area Editor v1.00; Compress your FILECFG.DAT file If |
fd200kit.zip | 23K | Kit |
fdesk.zip | 94K | on a RA BBS with this door. FrontDesk |
fdfaq001.zip | 3,927B | Asked Questions - v.001 |
fdhh_10.zip | 8,713B | FDHH v1.0 * FrontDoor Historical Humans * Will read in RA |
fdhm213.zip | 168K | Vers. 2.13 |
fdhm213g.zip | 37K | 2.13 (german online-help) |
fdlog121.zip | 48K | FD 2.01 |
fdpi_201.zip | 17K | for FD 2.01 |
fdrpr100.zip | 39K | v1.00) FrontDoor Request Processor for RemoteAccess 2.00 |
fdrpr121.zip | 80K | FDRPR 1.21 - FrontDoor Request Processor for RemoteAccess. |
fdscheck.zip | 6,646B | for external utils from SETUP.FD |
fdtn002u.zip | 4,335B | FrontDoor & RA Technical Update Note #002 Using the OS/2 v |
fdtr201.zip | 47K | Statistics |
febbs160.lzh | 173K | ebbs160.lzh 177435 02/12/91 FEBBS files bbs manager v1.60 |
febbs180.zip | 255K | of Febbs: All in one files.bbs manager |
febbs190.zip | 301K | one files.bbs manager. Manage your file areas easily! |
febbs192.zip | 321K | File Manager for RA 0.xx to 1.11 for Quick BBS, SuperBBS. |
fecv130.zip | 103K | FEConv v1.30; Convert FastEcho area cfg to FD/RA, etc. |
fed0210r.zip | 105K | Files-Ed v2.10, A highly configurable FILES.RA editor for |
fepath12.zip | 11K | FEPath 1.2, globally changes area-paths inFAS |
fet_130.zip | 66K | FETools - FastEcho value added tools 1.30. |
fetora02.zip | 39K | FE to RA v0.2: converts your FastEcho Rev 5 config into yo |
ff_100.zip | 640K | FastFile 1.00. The * BEST * FileDoor and FileManager for R |
ffgra102.zip | 25K | Generator for Remote Access - Extremely Fast, CD-ROM Supp |
ffgra103.zip | 27K | Allfiles List Generator for RA |
fflag22.zip | 19K | FINDFLAG.EXE RemoteAccess v2.xx User Flag Finder - Also di |
fgen100.zip | 40K | v1.00) FileGen An All-/new-/groupfiles generator for Remot |
fgets121.zip | 16K | FrontDoor 2.01 |
filedump.lzh | 11K | iledump.lzh 11152 11/01/90 RA file dump |
filesra2.zip | 10K | RemoteAccess utility: By Richard Currier Version 2. Major |
filest03.zip | 44K | Users can see more info about a file. Number of down-loads |
filetex3.zip | 5,673B | v0.3) FILETEXT +-+ | VaBa!Soft Utils for RA 2.0x | |-| | F |
findnum.zip | 8,168B | Quickly Find User from Phone Number in Ra. |
fix_mess.zip | 11K | Globally Change for Multiple RA Message Areas |
fixctyra.zip | 9,950B | FixCity v1.0 for RemoteAccess BBS; Simple, yet handy, util |
fixinfo.zip | 3,496B | FIXINFO will change the baud rate written to DORINFO1.DEF |
fkill11.lzh | 33K | kill11.lzh 34042 04/15/90 Kill old inactive files |
flm213s.zip | 257K | File Library Manager (FLM) v2.1;The Total Filebase Manager |
flpro36.zip | 31K | Enhancement |
flpro441.zip | 66K | FileList Professional v4.41 [bugs-fixed] Supports both RA |
flsearch.zip | 5,247B | ASCII Pathlist from RA's Files.Ra |
fmess203.zip | 23K | FIX_MESS.EXE v2.03: Global Message Area Modifier for RA 2. |
fmrac262.zip | 21K | FM_DL_C.EXE is an util to change the uploadersname in the |
fr_list.zip | 8,054B | Create group files to create group allfile lists. |
fra001.zip | 4,659B | FilesRA; RA's converter didn't set the CDROM flag, This wi |
frame11.zip | 49K | FRAME v1.1 for RemoteAccess Generate Top User Bulletins, T |
fren_ral.zip | 7,326B | file for RemoteAccess 1.10 & up |
freq5.lzh | 53K | req5.lzh 53874 04/20/91 Make a list of all available files |
freql14.zip | 51K | FREQLIST 1.4 creates a report of File Request activity fro |
frl100.zip | 6,473B | Frlist is a quick and dirty utility that will create a sta |
frmv21.zip | 9,866B | File Remover v2.1 -+ | | | FileRemover is a usefull util | |
fssg155g.zip | 129K | v1.55r) The Fantasy Software Statistics Generator Door for |
fx-chat.lzh | 11K | x-chat.lzh 11658 12/17/89 Split screen chat |
fxbull10.zip | 52K | generator for RA |
gbirth20.lzh | 10K | birth20.lzh 10264 04/20/91 Get users birthday v2.0 |
gchat140.zip | 35K | - Split-Screen Chat Program With AVT/0+ |
ge10001g.zip | 44K | - Full-Screen Message Editor for QBBS/RA |
ge10002g.zip | 46K | - Full-Screen Message Editor for QBBS/RA (bug fix) |
ge10006g.zip | 52K | Editor for RA, SBBS, and EZYCOM - Needs GFIX1022 to work u |
ge2ra20b.zip | 47K | GEcho to RA to FD configuration file convertor. |
germ_ral.zip | 7,589B | file for RemoteAccess 1.10 & up |
getdiz12.zip | 8,020B | GET-DIZ v1.2; Add-on for RA 2.00 File Manager, which allow |
glob_100.zip | 15K | Globaly change file area configurations for RA2.00. |
gtag109.zip | 100K | GTAG 1.09 is a tagline appending utility that allows the u |
guest10.zip | 6,708B | Guest 1.00: allows multiple guest accounts with RA BBS. |
handy12.zip | 56K | HandyMan, LiveSystems MultiLine Manager for RA 2.00. |
hdayz102.zip | 76K | Creates special event screens for Holidays, Birthdays more |
ibankv05.zip | 111K | IceBank v0.50 |#| |#| Deluxe Time/Kbyte Bank System |#| |# |
icev20.zip | 96K | IceChat v2.00 - Split Screen Chat Door - Features: SplitSc |
ichatv38.zip | 158K | IceChat v3.80 |#| |#| Deluxe SysOp-User Chat Utility |#| | |
idoor200.zip | 39K | v2.00 |
ieditv12.zip | 117K | IceEdit v1.20 * Deluxe FullScreen ANSi Message Editor * Fo |
im2ra_25.zip | 20K | Imail 2 Ra/Frodo/QBBS/areasbbs Conv. |
imail120.lzh | 292K | mail120.lzh 299491 10/05/91 IMail v1.20 echomail tosser |
imail135.zip | 522K | Echomail processor for use with Remote Access. |
imcvt14g.zip | 19K | Imail v1.3x to v1.40 Gamma Converter for Ra. |
infqwk10.zip | 15K | QWK ---- ++- +-+ v1.00 The ULTIMATE ANSI/ASCII Generator f |
inotev06.zip | 76K | IceNote v0.60 |#| |#| Note To All Users Door |#| |#| For U |
inquis21.zip | 41K | The Inquisitor! v2.10: New and greatly improved! In additi |
ishere.zip | 20K | COMPLETE files received, FrontDoor 2.0 |
ital-ral.zip | 9,039B | Italian Language file for RemoteAccess 2.0x |
itral200.zip | 9,351B | Italian language file for RemoteAccess v2.00. |
iut140g.zip | 142K | More Utilities for Imail v1.40 Gamma for Ra. |
jcq-202a.zip | 269K | JCQWK version 2.02a QWK Mail Door for RemoteAccess 2.02. S |
jcqwk100.zip | 165K | JCQWK Release 1.00 QWK Mail Door for RemoteAccess 2.00, 1. |
jcqwk201.zip | 198K | JCQWK v2.01g; QWK Mail Door for RemoteAccess 2.01 only. No |
jive-ral.zip | 8,173B | Jive Language file for RemoteAccess v2.0x |
jive_ral.zip | 7,311B | file for RA 1.10 & up |
keypass.zip | 9,074B | KEYPASS External KeyBoard Password Entry for RACONFIG.EXE |
kilflag1.zip | 6,433B | v0.1) KILLFLAG +-+ | VaBa!Soft Utils for RA 2.0x | |-| | T |
ksnoop10.zip | 48K | KAMSnoop is a password snooper for RA 2.xx. It will ask th |
labtest.zip | 117K | Labtest v2.00v1; The Definitive Upload Processor! Labtest |
lang_202.zip | 164K | Language files for RemoteAccess 2.0x, includes FILES.BBS f |
last210.zip | 61K | Create lastcaller bulletin/info for RA v1.10. |
last50a.zip | 6,996B | Lists last 50 callers via type 45 menu. |
lastcal4.zip | 12K | v0.4) LASTCALL +-+ | VaBa!Soft Utils for RA 2.0x | |-| | L |
laston15.zip | 11K | v1.5 . |
lbtst25c.zip | 96K | Labtest v2.5; The Definitive Upload Processor! Labtest wil |
lbtst322.zip | 378K | Labtest 3.22 - The First Line of Defense! Possibly the mos |
lcall1.zip | 40K | Creates ANSI/ASCII bulletin of last callers to SBBS/RA. |
lcall100.zip | 17K | called BBS today offline. |
lcdty102.zip | 26K | info for your Ra.Log. NICE! |
lcdty200.zip | 35K | Lucidity v2.00: RA log file utility. |
lclqwk21.zip | 43K | LocalQWK v2.1; for RemoteAccess BBS v1.1x |
level1.zip | 5,705B | v0.1) LEVEL +-+ | VaBa!Soft Utils for RA 2.0x | |-| | LEVE |
lfind40.zip | 24K | v4.0 . |
lglst110.lzh | 10K | glst110.lzh 10534 12/27/89 Log list util v1.10 |
limits_5.zip | 74K | Auto Manager for LIMITS.CTL and Timelog.bbs auto vary user |
listem11.lzh | 69K | istem11.lzh 70382 03/02/91 Master files list generator |
listem13.zip | 102K | total file lists, etc. FAST! Used here. |
logger_.zip | 11K | LOGGER was written for sysops who are using the built-in f |
login10.zip | 14K | Implements # of logins allowed per day-for RA2.00 *only*. |
logrept.lzh | 43K | ogrept.lzh 44536 12/27/89 Log report util |
lolo112.zip | 14K | LogOn/LogOff v1.12 -+ | A Multi - Line User Annoucement Ut |
lstat087.zip | 27K | LogStat RemoteAccess Log Analyzer! This RA Utility scans y |
lw_mgr12.zip | 340K | LW_MGR from LlanoWare! v1.2 Complete RemoteAccess Editor. |
lwbull13.zip | 48K | LWBULL v1.3 - Bulletin/News Door. LLanoWare. RA v2.xx ONLY |
lwbull21.zip | 49K | LWBULL v2.1 * LlanoWare * Bulletin/News door, shows users |
lwmenu12.zip | 62K | LWMENU v1.2 - Remote SysOp Menu Editor. LLanoWare. RAv2.xx |
lwuser12.zip | 58K | LWUSER v1.2 - Remote User Editor. LLanoWare. RA 2.xx ONLY. |
ma10.zip | 14K | Move Message Area to Another Area in Ra. |
ma_103.zip | 53K | (removes memory limits on DV setups). |
mailcl15.zip | 7,362B | MailCall v1.05: FD to RemoteAcces lastuser.bbs utility. |
makefls.lzh | 6,848B | akefls.lzh 6848 03/02/91 Make FLSearch.Ctl from Files.Ra |
mam100.zip | 21K | MAMOVE v1.00 by John Kristoff Easily, quickly and safely c |
mbra105.zip | 72K | MailBox v1.05: For RemoteAccess 2.xx Versions Only MailBox |
mbu_110.lzh | 49K | bu_110.lzh 50578 06/02/90 Message base util v1.1 |
mc_cbv21.zip | 186K | Callback Verifier 2.11 for Ra. |
mc_exp22.zip | 32K | EXPIRE.EXE RemoteAccess v2.xx User Expiration Date Scanner |
mc_lc22.zip | 20K | LASTCALL.EXE Log FrontDoor calls to RemoteAccess v2.xx Tod |
mcbest10.zip | 48K | McBest v1.0: Statistics Bulletin Generator for RemoteAcces |
mchat20g.zip | 286K | MultiChat v2.0; Complete multinode chat system for RA 2.xx |
mcra2fu1.zip | 54K | RemoteAccess V2.00 File Area Utilities |
mcwait22.zip | 18K | MC_WAIT.EXE Batch File Time Delay Utility - Also distribut |
megaquik.lzh | 85K | egaquik.lzh 86530 01/24/90 Create file megalist |
membinf1.zip | 7,439B | v0.1) MEMBINFO +-+ | VaBa!Soft Utils for RA 2.0x | |-| | M |
menusiv.zip | 24K | Complete ANSI Screens/Menu Files (English) for anyone (col |
midnight.zip | 3,660B | Midnight events with super.bbs |
mknet110.zip | 214K | Direct Support RA cfg files, QWK network tosser, Hudson/Ja |
mknew120.lzh | 53K | knew120.lzh 54531 02/16/92 Very Fast (N)ew files function |
mkqwk102.lzh | 144K | kqwk102.lzh 147900 11/10/91 QWK mail door for RA supports |
mkrd103.zip | 192K | MkRead v1.03 - Online (SysOp) Message Reader. Added JAM su |
mktdy101.lzh | 76K | ktdy101.lzh 77411 07/16/91 Customizable last/today callers |
mkuti21f.lzh | 139K | kuti21f.lzh 142832 05/08/91 RA/Qbbs UTI drivers v2.1f for |
mkwam10a.lzh | 72K | kwam10a.lzh 73606 08/04/90 Qbbs/RA <=> WAM HyperMail inter |
mkxrs102.zip | 102K | XRS Reply/Message Tosser v1.02 upgrade for Remote Access/Q |
mkxrs103.lzh | 99K | kxrs103.lzh 100873 03/25/91 XRS message tosser v1.03 for R |
mloc176.zip | 36K | Maximus/RA fast file locator replacement. |
mm110.lzh | 74K | m110.lzh 75449 07/06/90 MenuMaster Qbbs/RA menu editor v1. |
mm120.zip | 86K | use with RemoteAccess |
mm_300g.zip | 272K | Menu Master v3.00 - The "Ultimate" Menu Editor. RA v1.xx/v |
mm_300w.zip | 285K | The Ultimate Menu Editor. Can use with both RA1.xx and RA2 |
mmra10.zip | 59K | MyMail 1.0 * For RemoteAccess 2.xx Versions Only MyMail wi |
mnwiz200.lzh | 76K | nwiz200.lzh 77438 12/27/89 Menu wiz v2.0 |
mom200.zip | 213K | Message-O-Matic-Auto Message System for RA. |
mount10.zip | 64K | The Mountie v1.00, allows you to logically mount/dismount |
mount102.zip | 40K | The Mountie v01.02, allows you to logically mount/dismount |
movearea.zip | 11K | easily in Files.Ra. With TP-scr. |
mruti201.lzh | 95K | ruti201.lzh 96997 08/25/93 RA 2.00 UTI driver for Postlink |
mruti250.lzh | 100K | UTI drivers for RA v2.50 gamma (FW) Mythical Kingdom Softw |
msged205.lzh | 92K | sged205.lzh 94250 11/01/90 Message editor v2.05 |
mstat111.zip | 20K | MSGSTATS v1.11 Lists Hudson message area info for QuickBBS |
mtnc_220.zip | 46K | Last caller for Remote Access version 2.00g only |
mult200.zip | 33K | MultiNode Batch File Setup for 3 Nodes: Two "Live" nodes a |
multnode.zip | 45K | set up multi-line BBS under RA/FD/DesqView |
netpath.lzh | 5,949B | etpath.lzh 5949 11/25/89 Set netmail path in v2.04 |
new2you.zip | 37K | New2You v1.0 Newuser bulletin generator for RA 2.0x system |
newfiles.lzh | 22K | ewfiles.lzh 22280 10/05/91 MK Cmd Line new files lister (F |
newnews.zip | 47K | NewNews v1.1 - Bulletin Door. NewNews is a door for RA 2.x |
news53.zip | 57K | LiveSystems News & User Bulletin door for RA 2.00. |
next230.zip | 11K | NeXt v2.30: toggles the status of the 'sysop on next' flag |
noc100.zip | 7,099B | to users who drop carrier frequently |
nodectl.lzh | 54K | odectl.lzh 55716 09/03/90 Control multinode access |
noflo100.zip | 21K | : Use .?LO attaches with FrontDoor! |
notify11.zip | 28K | RA Notify v1.1 - A RemoteAccess v2.xx Multi-Node utility. |
nu_v200.zip | 100K | NU Nodelist Updater v2.0; Updates nodelists with the weekl |
nwen_41.zip | 32K | Door |
olf-span.zip | 2,500B | SPANISH.OLF" A language file for OLMS 2.x Written by: Abel |
olms200.zip | 354K | Offline Mail System | | # # # # # # ## Version 2.0 | | # # |
olmsam10.zip | 50K | Answering Machine | |-| | V e r s i o n 1.00 | +-+ Have OL |
onelpr25.zip | 29K | undefined |
online22.zip | 20K | ONLINE.EXE Manipulate the USERON.BBS (List of callers Onli |
ontoday2.zip | 7,690B | OnToday, today's callers list for RA Sysop to use locally. |
ot_100.zip | 54K | msgs from RA msgbase by subj/twit |
packer34.zip | 130K | of Hudson Message Base Packer. AWESOME! |
pageck10.lzh | 8,626B | ageck10.lzh 8626 06/11/90 Check RA page files |
pager304.zip | 228K | Superpager for door.sys bbs. Use your Sound Blaster to pag |
pchat120.zip | 93K | Prime Productions excellent chat system for RA BBS. |
perday.lzh | 13K | erday.lzh 12908 12/17/89 Limit time per day for doors |
pgen_20.zip | 29K | door implementation of the game PONG for RA systems |
phonefix.lzh | 8,248B | honefix.lzh 8248 11/01/90 RA phone number format fixer |
pioneer.zip | 4,972B | set up 6 cd-rom Discs on a QBBS Board |
pnbrd102.zip | 68K | Pinboard c1.02. A pinboard DOOR for RAccess |
posttxt.zip | 32K | Send Local F'attach Messages to BBS Users. |
ppwb10.zip | 213K | The Pachyderm Password Bank 1.0 # # * For RemoteAccess 2.x |
pr_ra111.zip | 16K | for different protocals with RA/FILEDOOR |
pr_ra201.zip | 23K | More protocols for RA. (protocol.111) |
pr_ra2g3.zip | 23K | Protocol.ra; Tutorial Examples, Rel. 3. |
prfl107b.zip | 40K | - allow your users to make profiles about themselves |
prfl107c.zip | 40K | version 1.07c |
prlnk10r.lzh | 69K | rlnk10r.lzh 70888 08/18/90 Link ProDoor with Remote Access |
profile2.zip | 164K | maker and file manager |
protdump.lzh | 11K | rotdump.lzh 11125 11/01/90 RA protocols dump |
proto.lzh | 1,320B | roto.lzh 1320 03/02/91 Sample protocols for RA |
protocol.zip | 4,258B | PROTOCOL - Allows you to set the default protocol for new |
psort40.zip | 58K | Packsort 4.0: ultimate users packer/sorter for QBBS 2.7x. |
pulldown.zip | 5,262B | Pulldown menus for RA/QBBS BBS's |
pvthr304.zip | 55K | for RA 1.xx in FD 2.xx environment |
pvthr305.zip | 57K | Private Hours v3.05 - allows selected users to logon durin |
q2coa10.zip | 36K | Qbbs/rbbs/sbbs/ra to Catacombs of ASCII. |
q_a4ra-9.zip | 103K | Q&A4RA Revision #9 ###| |-| | Questions & Answers for Remo |
qa4ra100.zip | 33K | Q&A for RA Shell 1.00 |-+ | | | A -=> Freeware <=- Program |
qac100b.zip | 12K | Q Archive Converter, v1.00 beta for use with quickbbs/supe |
qanu20.zip | 13K | Purge records in your newuser.asw not found in your users. |
qatest10.zip | 28K | Q-A Test v1.0; Questionnaire File Simulator for RemoteAcce |
qbbed258.zip | 257K | Base editing & debugging tool |
qbbutils.zip | 40K | Base and User Utilities |
qchange.zip | 4,813B | . |
qdstat13.zip | 9,932B | LiveSystems Quick & Dirty User Stats for RA v2.00 |
qe_man30.zip | 147K | Qecho Manager v3.0; Provides help screens, defaults and ea |
qechofix.lzh | 32K | echofix.lzh 33026 09/03/90 Fixed version of Qecho |
qed-who.lzh | 3,265B | ed-who.lzh 3265 11/01/90 QED fix to get user name for RA |
qed120.lzh | 74K | ed120.lzh 75325 11/25/90 QuickEd v1.2 full screen message |
qgen20.zip | 29K | generator for RA. |
qgwar203.zip | 64K | Quickbbs/RA interface for Global War. |
qkratop.lzh | 22K | kratop.lzh 22052 11/25/90 Quickbbs/RA top user bulletin cr |
qmaker32.zip | 12K | Quote Maker v3.2: written for Remote Access but will work |
qmrd10.zip | 11K | . |
qnet266a.zip | 64K | utilities (qecho etc) |
qrbull30.zip | 21K | Menu driven bulletin door for qbbs/ra/sbbs. |
qrfm36a.zip | 229K | QBBS / Remote Access File Manager v3.6a and other BBS syst |
qstbats.zip | 2,118B | RUNDB.BAT file; Good idea on how to use the SPAWN techinqu |
qstmenus.zip | 7,476B | Sample of QST's TOP menu as a sample of how to make a type |
qtora.lzh | 57K | tora.lzh 58456 11/30/91 Convert Config.Bbs to Config.RA |
ques299b.zip | 60K | Quesdoor v2.99beta. For RA 2.0. EXE only. |
ques_221.zip | 133K | Questionaire for Ra V. 2.21 |
quest10g.zip | 5,429B | Questionnaire for SuperBBS. Really good, cheap registratio |
quik100.zip | 74K | Quik Use v1.00; User Questionnaire |
quikbeta.zip | 4,081B | Application for beta-site license for PEGASUS/QuickBBS Sof |
quoteit.zip | 8,333B | bulletin each day from a list |
qutil100.zip | 44K | Q_UTIL is a utility designed to show you an overview of yo |
ra-bim20.zip | 20K | a-bim20.zip 20802 03/12/90 Interface Bimodem to RA |
ra-calls.lzh | 4,100B | a-calls.lzh 4100 01/28/92 Set number of calls |
ra-ccd10.zip | 111K | RemoteAccess Credit Card Door v 1.0. |
ra-fdo-4.zip | 18K | RA-FDO v0.04 *=- ] [ ] [ Imports User's Name/Handle ] [ in |
ra-ref.lzh | 7,008B | a-ref.lzh 7008 09/03/90 Reference card for Remote Access |
ra-scrs.zip | 4,428B | Sample robocomm remote access scripts for mail runs and fi |
ra111doc.zip | 85K | Documentation for RA 1.11. |
ra2doc.zip | 158K | RemoteAccess 2.00 Documentation |
ra2fd.zip | 11K | RA2FD v1.00; Read RA's LASTCALL.BBS file after a caller lo |
ra2ffam.lzh | 5,558B | a2ffam.lzh 5558 03/02/91 Convert RA files for FidoFam |
ra2fls.lzh | 8,596B | a2fls.lzh 8596 09/03/90 Convert Files.RA to FlSearch.Ctl |
ra2frq22.zip | 18K | RA2FREQ.EXE RemoteAccess v2.xx to FrontDoor File Request L |
ra2gcmsg.zip | 10K | GLOBALM, Make global changes to your Remote Access version |
ra2gigo2.zip | 10K | RA2GIGO FREE RA utility from LlanoWare Quite simply, RA2GI |
ra2t_101.zip | 194K | RA_2_TAG! v1.01 (RA 2.02 compatible!) File Tagging Door wi |
ra_001.zip | 299K | release of RemoteAccess! 1/30/90 |
ra_002.zip | 326K | Release |
ra_003.zip | 385K | Release |
ra_004.zip | 401K | Release |
ra_004au.zip | 161K | Update Release. Bug fixes for 0.04 |
ra_101.zip | 515K | Bug fixes for version 1.00 |
ra_110.zip | 531K | Release |
ra_110a.lzh | 264K | a_110a.lzh 270752 11/08/91 Remote Access Bbs v1.10 (1of2) |
ra_110b.lzh | 245K | a_110b.lzh 250451 11/08/91 Remote Access Bbs v1.10 (2of2) |
ra_111.zip | 531K | of RemoteAccess 1.11! Bug fixes for 1.10 |
ra_201.lzh | 847K | a_201.lzh 867180 05/30/94 Remote Access v2.01 |
ra_201.zip | 821K | RemoteAccess 2.01 Upgrade: 2 Node shareware limitation |
ra_202.zip | 808K | The RemoteAccess BBS Program v2.02 - Shareware maintenance |
ra_af21.lzh | 11K | a_af21.lzh 11700 01/28/92 RA all files list creator |
ra_ask.lzh | 18K | a_ask.lzh 18882 04/20/91 Util to ask old users for BirthDa |
ra_echo.zip | 294K | tossing utility |
ra_inc.lzh | 1,260B | a_inc.lzh 1260 07/06/90 Info on internode communication in |
ra_mail2.lzh | 26K | a_mail2.lzh 26364 01/28/92 RA check areas for new mail |
ra_mess6.zip | 56K | Ratio Checker ver 6.0-Major Update |
ra_mpf15.zip | 38K | given |
ra_mpf19.zip | 40K | Most Popular Files: the download counter v1.9 for RS. A ve |
ra_ndom2.zip | 8,208B | v2.0 . |
ra_phone.lzh | 25K | a_phone.lzh 25158 11/01/90 RA phone number checker |
ra_rals.zip | 40K | of foreign language modules for RA 1.10 |
ra_songs.lzh | 24K | a_songs.lzh 25056 07/06/90 Page songs for Remote Access |
ra_stfl2.lzh | 11K | a_stfl2.lzh 10781 04/20/91 RA set flag utility |
ra_struc.lzh | 13K | a_struc.lzh 13693 04/15/90 Structure of RA records |
ra_struc.zip | 12K | RA 9/8/90 |
ra_sw15.zip | 32K | v1.5b) RA_S&W +-+ | VaBa!Soft Utils for RA 2.0x | |-| | Th |
raacd100.zip | 34K | RemoteAccess Ultra-AutoCD This program reads the volume dr |
raae12.lzh | 21K | aae12.lzh 21568 01/28/92 RA Auto enter msg from text |
rabat.zip | 3,310B | A FrontDoor/RemoteAccess batchfile |
rabbs002.zip | 11K | Listing |
rabday12.zip | 13K | RABDAY12.ZIPRemoteAccess 2.0x "Today's Birthdays"bulletin |
rabest40.lzh | 16K | abest40.lzh 16682 06/02/90 RA best callers |
rabi10.zip | 7,796B | RA Baud Interceptor v1.0 - A RemoteAccess v2.xx Buad Rate |
rabi_132.zip | 63K | interface for RA V. 1.32 |
rabir210.zip | 41K | RABIRTH For RemoteAccess 1.11/2.00; Birthday utility for R |
racal135.lzh | 58K | acal135.lzh 59037 01/28/92 RA Statistics screen generator |
racal135.zip | 62K | utility - supports XRS mail, etc! |
racal140.zip | 63K | Complete stats reporter for RA 1.10. |
racallr3.lzh | 29K | acallr3.lzh 29611 01/28/92 RA who called utility |
racb200.lzh | 63K | acb200.lzh 64576 01/28/92 RA Call back verifier |
racbv203.zip | 19K | RACBV203, Call back verifier! Works with ANY bbs that can |
raccd11.zip | 137K | RA-CCD v1.10 -=|=- - RA-CCD; The ultimate credit card subs |
race140.zip | 274K | Editor V. 1.40 |
race150.zip | 277K | of RACE - (User editor) for RA 1.10 |
race152.lzh | 257K | ace152.lzh 263075 01/28/92 RACE RA user editor v1.52 |
race160c.zip | 167K | version of Remote Access Caller Editor |
race160d.zip | 127K | of RACE - USERED like utility |
race203.zip | 310K | RACE v2.01; RemoteAccess Caller Editor |
race_upd.zip | 198K | Race 1.40 (strictly update files) |
rack_002.zip | 17K | Remote Access Cdrom Kit, v0.02 True CD-ROM support. |
racnum.lzh | 4,006B | acnum.lzh 4006 07/14/91 RA total number of callers editor |
racnum22.zip | 18K | RACNUM.EXE RemoteAccess v2.xx Caller Number Editor - Also |
rad203.lzh | 155K | ad203.lzh 159048 12/08/90 Remote access database v2.03 |
rad213.zip | 156K | Remote Access Database v2.12 (dBASE III & dBASE III Plus C |
radb_350.zip | 82K | User Mail Activity Reporter for Ra2.00g1. |
radcd102.zip | 82K | RADCD v1.02: RemoteAccess Dropped Carrier Detector Reads R |
radd1_9.zip | 275K | RADD! 1.9; Remote Access Direct Dial. CBV for QuickBBS, Re |
raddress.zip | 6,949B | RAddress v1.00beta for RA2.0g; Utility to export users add |
radio01.zip | 15K | RemoteAccess Data Input/Output (RADIO) v0.10 (C) 1994,1995 |
radist.zip | 15K | RADIST (RemoteAccess File Distribution Network) Informatio |
radlc200.zip | 16K | Remote Access BBS download counter. |
radlfix.lzh | 5,311B | adlfix.lzh 5311 01/28/92 RA user DL counter fixer |
rae101a.zip | 323K | RA-Echo v1.01; Echomail-Processor for Hudson and Opus mess |
raecc101.zip | 31K | RAECC and RAECU are a pair of programs for creating and ma |
raee12.zip | 22K | Remoteaccess Auto-Enter MSg. |
raexit.zip | 8,829B | aexit.zip 8829 04/09/90 Convert RA to Qbbs exitinfo |
raexit05.zip | 32K | Convert RA 2's Exitinfo to 1.11 and back. |
raexit30.lzh | 12K | aexit30.lzh 12207 03/02/91 Convert ExitInfo to/from old fo |
rafao106.zip | 22K | RAFAO v1.06;RemoteAccess' File Area Organizer was designed |
rafbst20.lzh | 17K | afbst20.lzh 17016 11/25/90 RA file area statistics |
rafbst31.zip | 37K | Areas Statistics Bulletin Generator |
rafd10.zip | 11K | Generate flsearch.ctl file from RA's files.ra |
rafd111.lzh | 142K | afd111.lzh 144903 04/20/91 RAFDoor RA file transfer door v |
rafdlc14.zip | 22K | RAtoFd and FDtoRA Last Caller Programs. Transfers last cal |
rafdupe1.lzh | 7,630B | afdupe1.lzh 7630 07/14/91 RA duplicate file finder |
rafdupe2.zip | 25K | RaFDupe V2.0 - McSoft Corp. Scans your RemoteAccess 2.xx F |
rafe_120.lzh | 24K | afe_120.lzh 24572 12/08/90 RA file area maint v1.2 |
raff100.lzh | 33K | aff100.lzh 34285 07/06/90 Fast new files function for Remo |
raff_106.zip | 61K | RAFF: Remote Access File Find v1.00 The combined files/new |
rafhead.zip | 25K | RAFHEAD v1.04; Adds Uploader Names into RemoteAccess ver 2 |
rafi_202.lzh | 77K | afi_202.lzh 78855 01/28/92 RA file viewer |
rafi_203.zip | 66K | Files Utility |
rafi_240.zip | 88K | RA_FILES v2.4; RemoteAccess FILES.BBS lister y |
rafind22.zip | 19K | RAFIND.EXE Find Files on your BBS for RemoteAccess v2.xx - |
rafm111.lzh | 318K | afm111.lzh 325783 01/28/92 RA File manager |
rafm121.zip | 322K | RemoteAccess File Manager v1.21; The most powerful file-sy |
rafminfo.zip | 1,990B | document |
rafsort1.lzh | 11K | afsort1.lzh 10842 07/14/91 RA sort files by date |
raft29.zip | 192K | The Remote Access Filearea Tools v2.9; Use with Remote Acc |
rag-st11.zip | 23K | Rag-Stat 1.10 | |-| | RemoteAccess 2.xx Statistics Util | |
ragrw101.zip | 69K | RemoteAccess Ultra-Graffiti v1.00. It's for users to write |
ragthr12.zip | 20K | RAGTHR12.ZIP Simple Utility to creat allfiles listing for |
rahdr10.zip | 32K | File area Statistics and puts at TOP of FILE |
rahdr11.lzh | 35K | ahdr11.lzh 36059 01/28/92 RA add headers to files.bbs |
rahdr21.zip | 90K | Custom files.bbs headers, allfiles, bulletins |
rahelp10.zip | 34K | Help/Text file viewer for RA |
rahelp11.zip | 35K | RAHelp v1.10: help/textfile full-screen driver for Remote |
rai119g.zip | 144K | Rainfo v1.19g for remoteaccess 2.x bbs's. |
rainfo2.zip | 52K | Log Statistic Generator Pgm For ra |
rainuse1.lzh | 19K | ainuse1.lzh 19044 01/28/92 Run single-node doors safely on |
ralcfd.zip | 37K | info from RA into FrontDoor's FROM: Field |
ralist20.zip | 29K | Door to show/search users with specific level or group |
raloc106.lzh | 6,717B | aloc106.lzh 6717 07/14/91 RA location field fixer v1.06 |
ralog14.zip | 16K | utility |
ralogo11.zip | 20K | Rotate Your Logo, Welcome and Goodbye Screens |
ralston.zip | 9,812B | Patch RA's last caller into FrontDoor's LASTCALL.FD. |
ram200g.zip | 126K | RemoteAccess Manager 2.00/gamma |
ram315.zip | 326K | RAMail; the mail system exclusively for RA. Allows users t |
ramail30.lzh | 220K | amail30.lzh 225548 08/18/91 RaMail v3.0 QWK mail door |
ramail32.zip | 313K | RAURPT v1.0; Utility that will generate a report listing h |
raman100.zip | 82K | and more for RA |
raman211.zip | 135K | RAMAN v2.11 - Bug-fix for RAMAN users running RA 2.01/Pro |
rame_011.lzh | 35K | ame_011.lzh 35660 11/25/90 RA sysop message editor |
ramenu1.zip | 7,198B | RA-Menu v1.00beta; The Menu Randomizer |
rames.lzh | 12K | ames.lzh 12444 11/01/90 RA message base utils |
ramflg20.zip | 12K | RA Message Flags Report v2.0 - Generates a report of all m |
ramm200.zip | 112K | RA Menu Manager Version 2.00. |
ramsg001.zip | 25K | RAMSG v2.0r1; This is a maintenance revision of RAMSG 2.00 |
ramstat.lzh | 6,010B | amstat.lzh 6010 11/01/90 RA message base stats |
ramt-061.lzh | 19K | amt-061.lzh 19598 01/28/92 RA Message tools (export to tex |
randscr1.zip | 49K | RandScr BBS Screen randomizer. Chooses at random a file fr |
ranew_15.zip | 69K | Newfiles Lister! |
ranews.zip | 36K | News Bulletin generator for RA BBS systems creates both AN |
ranews22.lzh | 8,857B | anews22.lzh 8857 01/28/92 RA news screen creator |
ranode.a22 | 3,148B | RA Net |
ranote1.zip | 33K | Auto-Message Door. 3 message max. ANSI/ASCII. |
raopp.zip | 16K | page player. From RodentWare. |
rap100a.zip | 135K | Chat Door for RA. Supports up to 33 nodes. |
rap100b.zip | 155K | Excellent multiline chat for Remote Access. Much like tele |
rap182a.zip | 101K | Upgrade package for The RemoteAccess Pub v1.82a, a multi-n |
rapc101.lzh | 21K | apc101.lzh 21427 07/14/91 RA phone number formatter |
rapc21.zip | 49K | RAPC v2.10; RemoteAccess Personnel Checker |
rapfix.zip | 19K | for RemoteAccess Pub |
raph101.zip | 15K | RA phONE day Version 1.01 -+ | RAPHONE is a small utility |
rapick1.zip | 16K | Select from 45 Songs for Random Paging. |
raplnk10.zip | 67K | RAPLink v1.00 - Links a RemoteAccess Pub teleconference to |
raproinf.zip | 12K | RemoteAccess Pro BBS Commercial Package |
raq101.zip | 14K | Quote of The Day program for many RA or BBSs. |
raqu_300.lzh | 28K | aqu_300.lzh 28583 07/14/91 RA auto security level update |
rarnk001.zip | 20K | Remote Access User Ranker v0.01; Program for ranking or up |
rascan11.lzh | 18K | ascan11.lzh 18174 07/14/91 RA virus scanner |
rascn202.zip | 17K | RAScan v2.00; An online/offline upload processor for RA 2. |
rasend20.zip | 14K | Send msg's to other users from DOS (multiline). |
rasis201.zip | 504K | RASIS 2.01 -# * NEW ADDITIONS! * RemoteAccess Sysop's Info |
rastat23.zip | 77K | Statistics Generator for RA 2.00. |
rastr110.lzh | 4,197B | astr110.lzh 4197 01/28/92 RA structures v1.10 |
rastr200.lzh | 4,326B | astr200.lzh 4326 09/22/93 RA structures v2.00 |
rasup.zip | 43K | RA SUBSCRIPTION ENFORCER | |-| |This program allows you | |
ratb100.zip | 154K | Remote Access Time Bank v1.00 |
rate10.zip | 501K | Create Multi-Page BBS Screens for Ra1.xx-2.xx |
ratic20b.zip | 17K | RATick is a new TIC file processor especially designed for |
ratic20e.zip | 17K | RATick is a new TIC file processor especially designed for |
ratio201.lzh | 14K | atio201.lzh 14283 09/17/89 Adjust security based on ul/dl |
ratlc200.zip | 229K | RemoteAccess Ultra-Teleconference v2.00. This is a multi-n |
ratoqb.lzh | 16K | atoqb.lzh 16380 03/02/91 Generate QBBS files from RA confi |
ratotp.zip | 15K | Pascal; for PAGE.RA |
ratp23.zip | 25K | Users Bulletin Generator |
ratpak11.lzh | 115K | atpak11.lzh 117671 01/28/92 RA Tool pack |
ratpak20.zip | 92K | Motor City Software sysop utilities for Remote Access 2.0 |
ratpak22.zip | 146K | RemoteAccess v2.xx Tools/Utilities Package by McSoft Corp. |
rats121.lzh | 148K | ats121.lzh 151583 01/28/92 RA Time bank system |
rats220.zip | 290K | RATS v2.20 TimeBank System for RA/QBBS/SuperBBS/ProBoard s |
ratt10.lzh | 9,933B | att10.lzh 9933 03/02/91 RA version of TicTalk |
ratune10.zip | 103K | RAMAKE - Finally, now you can easily create your own PAGE. |
raua001b.zip | 8,171B | RA User Announcer * | | Announce to all nodes when a user |
raul09b.zip | 38K | Remote Access User Labels* Beta Version .09 - Release 1 Pr |
raupdate.zip | 8,667B | RA BBS file updater |
ravip102.zip | 68K | RaVip Version 1.02 * Scans RA log, dectects VIP callers vi |
ravote40.zip | 37K | RAVote v4.00; User-voting door for your BBS, that allows u |
rawfile.zip | 5,856B | . |
raxs101.zip | 9,853B | RA X.itinfo S.plitter for RA 2.00.g1. |
re15.zip | 38K | Remote Editorial v1.5 NEWS.A? creator/editor |
recentcl.lzh | 7,783B | ecentcl.lzh 7783 12/17/89 Recent callers lister |
reda40.lzh | 124K | eda40.lzh 127232 02/09/91 Remote Access database v4.0 |
regchk10.zip | 65K | The Registered User Tracking Utility for QBBS is a set of |
regvw107.zip | 201K | REGVIEW/DOOR 1.07 The most complete usersregistration util |
relog10.zip | 18K | ReLogOn v1.0 * LlanoWare * Now there is finally a way for |
remiss01.lzh | 9,302B | emiss01.lzh 9302 04/15/90 Remove missing files |
rfw_v110.lzh | 115K | fw_v110.lzh 117858 05/06/91 Remote Access Windowed File Vi |
rfw_v120.zip | 150K | RFW v1.2; Lots of new features like an interface for a vie |
ripnra.zip | 1,600B | RIP in RA; Explains how to implement RIP Graphics in Remot |
rlog_141.zip | 56K | - Log Reporting Generator |
rlog_142.zip | 58K | utility for RA |
rlog_29d.zip | 88K | Remote Access Log Reporting Program; Full-fledged RA log r |
rqccc11.lzh | 46K | qccc11.lzh 47424 05/17/90 Recent callers lister |
rtool116.zip | 138K | Rudy's Place Tools. Release 1.16 * A collection of RA 2.xx |
ruc11.zip | 27K | Remote Access users.bbs command-line editor, with C source |
rur_251.zip | 53K | RUR v2.51; The RemoteAccess Users Ratio System |
rutil100.zip | 63K | R_Utils v1.00 >-> Sysop Utilities for RemoteAccess 2.0x an |
rw_info.zip | 6,563B | becoming a RodentWare Support Board |
s_nws401.zip | 93K | Super News v4.01 --- | |-| | This is the BEST news maker | |
s_ver092.zip | 87K | Verifier for RA/QBBS/QBBS |
sample.zip | 3,824B | Sample Menus for RA/QBBS |
samqc100.lzh | 26K | amqc100.lzh 27025 04/15/90 Check menus & screens |
sbank13b.zip | 195K | SuperBank 1.3-B; RA/SBBS banking SuperBank is a very advan |
sbbsdiz.zip | 31K | Inserts FILEID.DIZ file into FILES.BBS if found, for SBBS. |
sbnk400.zip | 85K | Time Bank Door for RA/QBBS. |
scanv22d.zip | 73K | Scanvert 2.20; Upload scanner and converter for RemoteAcce |
schat205.lzh | 16K | chat205.lzh 16299 11/25/90 SabreChat multinode chat util v |
scht503r.zip | 70K | SabreChat! v5.02.0; simply a user to user chat program. It |
scht_407.zip | 30K | Chat door for RA |
scrmak03.zip | 28K | The Screen Maker v0.03; Create ASC/ANS screen containing t |
sdateset.zip | 30K | Set RA user subscription expiration date from DOS. |
sec101.zip | 13K | RemoteAccess User Security Level Displayer |
sedit270.zip | 85K | Menueditor for SBBS. Supports WYSIWYG, Multilanguage,SBBS- |
setcal10.zip | 5,964B | Set number of calls/last caller's name RA 1.0 and later. |
setflag.lzh | 6,785B | etflag.lzh 6785 12/27/89 Batch user flag maint util |
setgroup.lzh | 10K | etgroup.lzh 10514 04/20/91 Set group field in RA users fil |
sf2ra.zip | 7,827B | Permits usage of SFROM115+ on Remote Access BBS. |
sflag110.zip | 31K | SetFlag is a simple little program that will toggle user f |
showf13.zip | 47K | SHOWFILE, LiveSystems Text Showing Door for RA v2.00 |
shuf110.zip | 40K | The Shuffle puzzle doorgame. RA 2.00 compatible. |
slnote.zip | 13K | Slnotice Autologin door for Searchlight BBS. V1.0 displays |
sluc250.zip | 9,402B | Stupid little upload counter v2.5; utility for SBBS/QBBS/R |
smast305.zip | 98K | SM |
sort111.zip | 13K | SortUser v1.2.111; Utility that will allow you to sort you |
sponge11.lzh | 7,693B | ponge11.lzh 7693 03/11/90 List users with d/l & no u/l |
srchit25.zip | 8,728B | . |
str-talk.zip | 2,099B | Street Talk Language File for RA 2.0x |
structs.zip | 4,534B | RA 1.10 |
su12.zip | 13K | ShowUser v1.2: Netware utility that allows the supervisor |
subdate.zip | 6,568B | Resets File Counters In RA'S Users.bbs Via SUBDATE.Q-A FIL |
subdate2.zip | 7,769B | v0.2) SUBDATE +-+ | VaBa!Soft Utils for RA 2.0x | |-| | SU |
sutil044.zip | 268K | SBBS utility package v0.44. |
sven_ral.zip | 7,587B | file for RemoteAccess 1.10 |
swe_20.zip | 20K | SWE, FS-editor switcher, Let users choose their own favori |
sxrafix.zip | 5,790B | Small patch program to fix up a possible mis-interpretion |
sysop200.zip | 334K | SYSOP v2.00 The Best File Manager / Statistic Tool for RA/ |
sysop211.zip | 344K | SYSOP v2.11; The best file manager & statistics tool for R |
sysopup.zip | 9,736B | SysopUp replaces empty "Uploaded By:" fields in the RA Fil |
system08.zip | 12K | SysteMAN .08.5; Utility that will search through your syst |
tabsra21.zip | 104K | TabsRA v2.01 For RemoteAccess SysOpsrunning either a "Pay |
tagem101.zip | 165K | TagEm! Version 1.01 (RemoteAccess 2.02!) Automatic File Ta |
tagmn11b.zip | 54K | TagMan 1.1B Creats an ASCII, ANSI and RIP file of your cho |
taskey20.zip | 8,927B | . |
tcall200.zip | 26K | Todays' caller for ra/fd systems. |
tcall205.zip | 26K | for RA 1.10; also use from DOS prompt |
tcall25.zip | 24K | Today Callers 2.5 | | .- |
tcht100g.zip | 42K | T-Chat, Fullscreen User<>Sysop Chatdoor for RA v2.0 |
tclt22.zip | 18K | TCLT.EXE Todays Call Log Trimmer for RemoteAccess v2.xx - |
tdplus20.zip | 324K | The Transfer Door v2.0; External Door Run as a Type 7 or 1 |
testreq.zip | 8,296B | check your paths to make sure they exist for FileReqs |
tetra120.zip | 57K | Tetris clone doorgame. RA 2.00 compatible. |
tfc200.zip | 8,983B | Global User Flag Changer for RA 2.00. |
thd61pch.zip | 26K | Patch for THD Version 6 Upload scanner,tester and converte |
thdpro-5.zip | 86K | THDPro v5.0 Archive Checker for SBBS. |
tic2ra12.zip | 125K | Tic-To-Ra v1.10 -\ The Ultimate .TIC file processor for th |
timechek.zip | 19K | file sort utility by Mike Janke |
timeman.zip | 39K | TIME MAN V1.00 This program allows a sysop to let his user |
todays10.zip | 21K | Best Little Today's Caller Door for RA 2.xx. FreeWare from |
topcall.zip | 42K | Creates ANSI/ASCII top user bulletins screens for SBBS/RA. |
toped100.zip | 78K | screen editor for RemoteAccess |
tops3.zip | 35K | Top`s v3.00 | | --- | | | | Top`s is TOP users list maker |
topuser4.zip | 14K | Top Users v4.0; fully configurable, 4000 user limit. |
trek_r.zip | 7,459B | StarTrek language file for RA 2.0x |
trek_ral.zip | 7,103B | Language file for RA 1.10 systems |
trivia43.zip | 109K | LiveSystems Online Trivia Quiz for RA 2.00. |
tscnv104.zip | 33K | FD 2.01 |
tstat060.zip | 38K | TornStat. Statistics Generator for RA/SBBS. |
tustime.zip | 37K | Timebank door for Remote Access 1.xx. |
tview10.zip | 50K | File Viewer Door - A MUST HAVE! |
txt2m20.zip | 28K | TXT2MSG v2.0 for Remote Access. |
txt2ramg.zip | 16K | RemoteAccess BBS utility to insert a text file into a mess |
u-set112.zip | 62K | USERSET Door for RemoteAccess 2.00. v1.12; Allow users to |
u-set115.zip | 82K | USERSET Door for RemoteAccess 2.00. Version 1.15 allow use |
u3200.zip | 46K | USER UPDATER - UNIVERSAL is a user database utility for Re |
u_set114.zip | 79K | USERSET Door for RemoteAccess 2.00. Version 1.14 allow use |
ubrav100.zip | 195K | BBS activity tracking system for RemoteAccess |
uflag20.zip | 10K | UserFlag v2.0; Change flags settings for all of your users |
ulist25.zip | 21K | User Lister v2.5 | | . |
ulra100.zip | 8,897B | for RA |
um100.zip | 166K | USERMAN 1.00 ## # # # Professional Usermanagement for the |
umgr110.zip | 64K | v1.10) UserManager for Remote Access 2.0x. - Send hello me |
uo40ra.zip | 75K | LiveSystems UserOn 3.7; THE replacement forRA's "Who's onl |
uo40sbbs.zip | 52K | LiveSystems UserOn V4.00 for SuperBBS. |
uo44ra.zip | 73K | LiveSystems UserOn 4.4: The ORIGINAL Who's Online replacem |
up_area1.zip | 6,251B | v0.1) UP_AREA +-+ | VaBa!Soft Utils for RA 2.0x | |-| | Ch |
upldr102.zip | 97K | UPLOADER v1.02; For RemoteAccess 2.00g Database Header Fil |
urd102b.zip | 71K | URD v1.02b; RemoteAccess User Registration Door. It will a |
useron32.zip | 68K | RA Whos Online Command. Shows where each node is |
useron33.zip | 124K | UserOn; Almost exactly the same as the useron function of |
usrasw10.zip | 13K | answers to questionares |
ustat300.zip | 18K | USTAT - User Statistics Ver 3.00 for RemoteAccess |
vb_rat12.zip | 84K | VaBa!Soft Utils for RA 2.0x | |-| | VB_RATIO is the Comple |
vd170r1.zip | 149K | ValidDOOR ,Callback Verifer door for RA 1.11 |
vd170r2.zip | 147K | VD_Util basically does three things. allows you to maintai |
vfdb_100.zip | 23K | View RA 2.0's file database files offline. Online 'mailbag |
vip203.zip | 18K | VIP 2.03 - [Release #2]. Generates VIP.CTL According To Se |
vote52.zip | 117K | Vote is a votingbooth with some nice new features. It's co |
wc2ra.lzh | 12K | c2ra.lzh 12498 04/20/91 Convert WC! users file to RA |
wc_12.zip | 8,533B | Who Called v1.2; Today's Caller list for SysOps. This is n |
wcall22.zip | 20K | WHOCALLD.EXE View Todays Callers From DOS Prompt for Remot |
wdwd_10b.lzh | 22K | dwd_10b.lzh 22462 12/27/89 Who done what door - file xfer |
werd-ral.zip | 9,225B | Weird Language File for RA 2.0x - a way to mess your users |
whatol23.zip | 45K | undefined |
whoson22.zip | 39K | WHOSON.EXE View Callers Currently Online From DOS Prompt f |
whoto108.zip | 46K | Check and report unread messages RA/QBBS. |
wio105.zip | 48K | Who Is Online Door for RemoteAccess 2.00. Version 1.05 all |
wison120.zip | 14K | Who Is Online v1.20 - In MultiTask Environ. Use within sam |
wixfix.zip | 4,021B | Fix for Netrunner under Remote Access. |
xfd_v301.zip | 434K | FileDoor is a very flexible protocol driver. The XFD-versi |
xferdr72.zip | 60K | QBBS/RA Bimodem/DSZ file transfer door. |
xflc_009.zip | 105K | XFLC - The Extended File List Creator for RemoteAccess and |
xl-213-3.lzh | 6,241B | l-213-3.lzh 6241 01/28/92 XList file list creator |
xmsg_100.lzh | 46K | msg_100.lzh 46629 01/28/92 Message exporter |
xrdor205.lzh | 161K | rdor205.lzh 164554 01/28/92 XRS offline mail door v2.05 |
xrdor210.zip | 176K | XRSdoor v 2.1 for quick (any), RA, tag or Superbbs. Full a |
xrobot.zip | 15K | does offline freqing and polling for FrontDoor |
xrued110.lzh | 49K | rued110.lzh 50556 11/08/91 XRS mail door user editor v1.10 |
xuc1.lzh | 10K | uc1.lzh 10267 06/11/90 Express user list |
xutils.lzh | 68K | utils.lzh 69806 04/20/91 Handy set of remote RA utils |
yed_110.lzh | 62K | ed_110.lzh 63894 07/06/90 Yet another menu editor for Qbbs |
yestcall.zip | 12K | YESTCALL; Yesterday/Last 24 Hours Caller List Generator: C |
zen103.zip | 46K | ZenList v1.03; The File List Processor for RemoteAccess 2. |
zipcount.zip | 12K | number of downloads for FD/RA systems |
zipstr25.lzh | 23K | ipstr25.lzh 23636 01/28/92 View ZIP files |
zlab_ra3.zip | 6,076B | ZipLab Plus - RemoteAccess Interface Scan uploads for viru |
zmh_113.lzh | 77K | mh_113.lzh 79272 11/25/90 Zmail v1.13 echomail proc demo |
zstrip99.zip | 13K | ZipStrip V0.99 Beta. From Computer Online Services. ZIP fi |