1713prot.zip | 2,457B | undefined |
174_asm.zip | 64K | undefined |
174_bas.zip | 272K | undefined |
174_doc.zip | 254K | undefined |
174_exe.zip | 331K | undefined |
174_ext.zip | 66K | undefined |
174_smf.zip | 191K | undefined |
174_txt.zip | 124K | undefined |
174_utl.zip | 254K | undefined |
175b220c.zip | 170K | RBBS-PC 17.5b-Wide Area BETA Release.Wide-Area-BETA UPDATE |
175b220m.zip | 233K | RBBS-PC 17.5b-Wide Area BETA Release.Wide-Area-BETA UPDATE |
175b220s.zip | 421K | RBBS-PC 17.5b-Wide Area BETA Release.Wide-Area-BETA UPDATE |
175b220t.zip | 66K | RBBS-PC 17.5b-Wide Area BETA Release.Wide-Area-BETA UPDATE |
175b220u.zip | 452K | RBBS-PC 17.5b-Wide Area BETA Release.Wide-Area-BETA UPDATE |
175b220x.zip | 238K | RBBS-PC 17.5b-Wide Area BETA Release.Wide-Area-BETA UPDATE |
4dosck.zip | 18K | Merge to add 4DOS check into RBBS BUSIMODS(STUNY). |
ad2qwk9b.zip | 42K | 42879 08-20-92 Adds personal downloads to qwk packets. |
adopt42.zip | 74K | 75491 09-29-91 Adopt-a-door for RBBS-PC BBS |
alia173c.zip | 44K | 44716 12-18-91 RBBS merges for alias's in messages. |
allmkr4.zip | 83K | ALLMKR 4.0 RBBS AllFiles List Creator The complete Allfile |
ansc174.zip | 14K | 14458 07-13-92 Split screen ANSI Chat for RBBS 17.4. |
ansi173c.zip | 2,956B | 2956 02-27-92 AUTO-ANSI DETECT For RBBS-PC 17.3C This merg |
auto11a.zip | 39K | Automatically upgrade RBBS-PC callers, v1.1a |
badpassw.zip | 1,981B | 1981 08-13-92 RBBS 17.4 Merge, add info about forgotten | |
bbsmenus.zip | 20K | 20837 12-29-92 RBBS/PCBoard Color Menus |
bc-ntke1.zip | 6,641B | 6641 06-25-92 BC-NoTurboKeysMerge - a set of merges that | |
bi2_node.zip | 4,395B | for using Bimodem on a multi-node RBBS |
bilink15.arc | 74K | BIMODEM on RBBS using doors |
bipatch2.arc | 3,118B | on installing BIMODEM v1.20 into RBBS-PC |
bled22.zip | 81K | Batch-oriented line editor. Input from files |
bm0406_a.zip | 599K | BusiMod (tm) mod package for RBBS v17.4 dated 04/06/94. Co |
bm0406_b.zip | 610K | BusiMod (tm) mods dated 04/06/94 - executables for 80286 m |
bm0406_c.zip | 390K | BusiMod (tm) mods dated 04/06/94 - executables for 8088 ma |
bmbeta15.zip | 340K | Plug and play replacement for Busimods 286+ .EXE dated 040 |
bshow101.zip | 48K | 48846 05-24-92 Freeware bbs file viewer page, search, more |
bu174v57.zip | 50K | Merge for RBBS v17.4A/031293 to permit batch uploading and |
callers2.zip | 54K | Quick and easy Caller Log Analyzer-for RBBSPC you can use |
calllog.arc | 52K | Delete oldest part of RBBS callers log |
calprn.zip | 36K | Automatically prune RBBS callers file by date |
calrz11.zip | 35K | 35755 05-22-92 Off-line callers file reader for RBBS-PC. |
cb101a.zip | 34K | 35280 11-13-92 Eric's CallBack Verification System for | R |
cd.bbs | 15K | undefined |
cdbn9404.zip | 331K | The Official Cellar Door Mods for RBBS v17.4 This file con |
cdcp9405.zip | 341K | The Official Cellar Door Mods for RBBS v17.4 The CDor mods |
cdcp9406.zip | 342K | The Official Cellar Door Mods for RBBS v17.4 The CDor mods |
cdcv9405.zip | 351K | The Official Cellar Door Mods for RBBS v17.4 The CDor mods |
cdcv9406.zip | 352K | The Official Cellar Door Mods for RBBS v17.4 The CDor mods |
cddoz10.zip | 6,709B | Cellar Door to .DOZ 1.0 This program uses the previously e |
cddraw11.zip | 42K | CDor BullDraw v1.1! ### Create display files for the CDor |
cdev9405.zip | 352K | The Official Cellar Door Mods for RBBS v17.4 The CDor mods |
cdex9406.zip | 344K | The Official Cellar Door Mods for RBBS v17.4 The CDor mods |
cdor0811.zip | 697K | 713558 08-11-93 Cellar Door for RBBS v17.4 The CDor mods | |
cdor9405.zip | 622K | The Official Cellar Door Mods for RBBS v17.4 The CDor mods |
cdsp9405.zip | 745K | The Official Cellar Door Mods for RBBS v17.4 Supplemental |
chtdr403.arc | 56K | Chat DOOR v. 4.03 |
cnvdir.zip | 34K | Convert directories to FMS in RBBS |
cvtfms.zip | 36K | RBBS Convert standard PCB file.bbs to FMS |
dcrd100.zip | 9,493B | 9493 01-18-93 RBBS 17.4 mod to allow Doors to log off | ca |
dirchk2.zip | 18K | Check RBBS FMS directory against DOS directory |
dirmake.zip | 40K | Sysop's directory maker for RBBS-PC v17.xx |
dizdir10.zip | 24K | DizFind v1.00 - shareware $5 - For RBBS-PC. This program i |
dmenu400.zip | 33K | DIRMENU v2.0 RBBS/CDOOR DIR.DIR Menu Creator Simply a Upda |
dragblok.zip | 4,724B | 4724 08-22-91 Merge for RBBS. Blocks conf on users. |
dv_guard.zip | 7,843B | utility for running RBBS with DV |
dvrbbs2.zip | 6,806B | Recommended DESQview settings for RBBS-PC |
echolist.zip | 20K | 20726 10-06-91 RBBS-net echolist |
edit174.zip | 9,321B | 9321 07-05-92 ANSIed edit/etog merges for RBBS 17.4a/0704. |
farcl21b.zip | 23K | RBBS Archive listing utility 4 files - New:11-21-1993 Old: |
fdndoc.zip | 4,035B | RBBS-PC File Distribution Network FAQ'S and How-To Documen |
FILES.BBS~ | 291B | undefined |
filmsg21.zip | 36K | FILEMSG V2.1 New Files anouncer FIleMsg will scan a given |
fixmsg13.zip | 34K | RBBS-PC message bases, version 1.3 |
flup135.zip | 36K | 36560 04-07-93 FMSFLUP v1.35; RBBS-PC FMS Files List Entry |
fms-103.zip | 164K | 168028 05-13-92 Latest version of an offline catalogue | g |
fms2pcb.zip | 9,678B | 9678 09-09-91 Convert your RBBS File Management System | M |
fmsffs31.zip | 171K | FMSFFS v3.1 RBBS RBBS/CDOR FMS/FFS Processor The FMS and F |
fmsfmt10.zip | 119K | RBBS-PC utility merge/reformat FMS dirs. Merge new file li |
fmsud204.zip | 32K | 32382 11-16-91 FMS UpDate Ver 2.04 for RBBS-PC |
fmsvw101.zip | 12K | FMSVW - RBBS FMS file viewer utility v1.00 FMSVW RBBS SysO |
fmv120.zip | 22K | FMSVER v1.20 - Verify filenames and file sizes in RBBS-PC |
gc101_1.zip | 178K | Conference/mail door for RBBS systems (1 of 3) |
gc101_2.zip | 159K | Conference/mail door for RBBS systems (2 of 3) |
gc101_3.zip | 83K | Conference/mail door for RBBS systems (3 of 3) |
gc_desc.zip | 4,425B | Describes GC101 conference/mail door for RBBS |
givebk41.zip | 6,360B | GIVEBK41 - (beta) - updated version of GIVEBK (v4.1) for l |
hjkfms13.arc | 168K | FMS directory utility from Holland |
hotunz13.zip | 50K | 51361 04-29-93 HOTlist v1.3; Creates a list of hottest and |
hyperhow.zip | 2,885B | up HyperProtocol with RBBS-PC |
jimmer13.zip | 123K | 126218 05-12-91 Jimmer 1.3, RBBS .QWK mail door. |
jimmer15.zip | 123K | JIMMER 1.5. The .QWK mail DOOR for RBBS. |
laston13.zip | 46K | 46804 11-04-91 CALR2TXT; RBBS Callers to Text Conversion |
lastusr.arc | 33K | Creates simple log of RBBS-PC callers |
listmsg2.zip | 31K | RBBS-PC message base while in DOS |
lrfs10.zip | 3,186B | LOOPRFS (LOOP RIP file search) v. 1.0. Nifty little merge |
lstcal13.zip | 44K | RBBS caller log several ways |
mapl0301.zip | 322K | 329820 03-01-93 Maple Merges; Allows Message lines to 199 |
mapl0829.zip | 395K | Update to Maple Merge 0801 BASE Allows Message lines to 19 |
mapl1223.zip | 192K | 196834 12-23-92 Maple Street Merges - a collection of merg |
master30.arc | 67K | catagorized list of Master.dir |
menu0ans.zip | 5,849B | Ansi Menus of Menu0 for RBBS PcINFOMATICS.BBS.(216)944-563 |
mfidx12.zip | 87K | undefined |
mfix0709.zip | 10K | 10203 07-09-92 create the Maple version from STOCK 17.4 co |
mfix402.zip | 32K | 32947 08-23-93 MAILFIX v4.02 - Purge/repair/re-size/renumb |
mfix433.zip | 37K | MAILFIX v4.33 Message base maintenance utility for RBBS-PC |
mmgr23.zip | 177K | 181566 03-30-92 RBBS Manager v2.3. Menu driven. |
mmngr134.zip | 185K | 189035 05-29-92 QWK-compatible mail door for RBBS-PC |
mmrg13.zip | 109K | MailManager Report Generator v1.3 Tracks use of bbs messag |
msgtos2b.zip | 427K | 437067 03-05-92 MSGTOSS is a comprehensive, highly | confi |
mv_line.arc | 9,848B | Move lines between BBS directory files (w/C) |
newdir11.zip | 36K | 37219 11-06-91 NewDirectory v1.1; DOS Directory Renaming | |
nm_113.zip | 10K | 10646 01-04-91 Sysop echomail control utility for RBBS-PC. |
nosn101.zip | 73K | 75215 02-13-93 NoSnail 1.01; Netmail for RBBS-PC. Adds | o |
nosn117.zip | 40K | NoSnail 1.17 - Netmail for RBBS-PC Adds outbound routed ne |
nosncfg.zip | 1,506B | Sample NOSNAIL.CFG for NoSnail 1.10 |
nosnfd.zip | 1,845B | Sample NOSNAIL.CFG for Frontdoor users |
nosntxt.zip | 886B | Sample NOSNAIL.TXT for NoSnail 1.10 |
nstdirq2.zip | 15K | to use non standard IRQ lines with RBBS |
nullmodm.zip | 1,944B | to test RBBS-PC using a null modem cable |
pbmman.zip | 36K | 37098 09-02-91 Play by mail game file manager for RBBS. |
peekr174.zip | 2,800B | 2800 09-01-92 Add ANSI capability to Mark Kimes Peeker and |
pgvw173c.zip | 12K | 12072 12-15-91 RBBS source code mods for chat door. |
preusr40.zip | 143K | 146849 01-12-93 The Ultimate screen maker to display user |
proedit.arc | 81K | RBBS PROTO.DEF editor, sort, add, etc. |
pu173.arc | 105K | Cvt RBBS USERS log to ASCII & comma delimited |
qb4nrbbs.arc | 787B | on compiling RBBS with Quick Basic 4 |
qes30.zip | 56K | Summarizes results of RBBS-PC questionaires |
qwkspc11.zip | 9,199B | 9199 08-17-91 QWK mail format: Collected information | enc |
r2dbf121.zip | 32K | 32516 05-31-92 Convert v1.21; Writes a .DBF from RBBS user |
r386_997.zip | 146K | RBBSMail/386 .997 (wide beta) Fidonet Echomail Processor |
rbbs-asm.zip | 64K | RBBS-PC, r17.4 package. This file contains the ASSEMBLER s |
rbbs-bas.zip | 271K | RBBS-PC, r17.4 package. This file contains the BASIC sourc |
rbbs-doc.l!h | 232K | undefined |
rbbs-doc.zip | 254K | RBBS-PC, r17.4 package. This file contains the RBBS-PC doc |
rbbs-exe.l!h | 285K | undefined |
rbbs-exe.zip | 331K | RBBS-PC, r17.4 package. This file contains the RBBS-PC exe |
rbbs-ext.zip | 66K | RBBS-PC, r17.4 package. This file contains the external pr |
rbbs-smf.zip | 191K | RBBS-PC, r17.4 package. This file containsthe "Small & Fas |
rbbs-txt.l!h | 71K | undefined |
rbbs-txt.zip | 123K | RBBS-PC, r17.4 package. This file contains text files RBBS |
rbbs-uti.zip | 51K | UTI drivers for RBBS |
rbbs-utl.zip | 254K | RBBS-PC, r17.4 package. This file contains optional utilit |
rbbs174.zip | 18K | 18910 06-23-92 RBBS 17.4. A collection of text files that |
rbbs_dv2.zip | 10K | and hints for using RBBS under DESQview |
rbbs_fms.zip | 47K | FMS utility to view MASTER.DIR |
rbbs_lan.zip | 62K | Multiple nodes of RBBS under LANtastic |
rbbs_smf.zip | 184K | 188765 09-01-91 Contains the "Small & Fast" version of | R |
rbbs_tut.zip | 33K | tutorial for RBBS-PC v17.3 |
rbbscolo.zip | 146K | 149168 07-05-91 Let users d/l file from Col. tape drive. R |
rbbsconn.zip | 4,971B | 4971 10-03-91 RBBSCONN v1.0; Mod to the RBBS code to allow |
rbbsdoor.arc | 40K | Door preprocessor |
rbbsfido.zip | 53K | Detailed setup info for Fidonet & RBBS-PC. (Version 3, 3/1 |
rbbsmgr2.zip | 171K | 174900 09-24-91 RBBS Manager v2.0. The complete utility fo |
rbbspuma.zip | 470B | PUMA protocol to RBBS-PC Proto.Def |
rbbsta98.zip | 113K | 115942 11-12-91 RBBS-PC total access callback door |
rbbsv101.zip | 247K | 252809 07-20-93 RBBS-Verify v1.01; Superior Callback | Ver |
rbq403.zip | 143K | 146932 07-25-92 RBBS Quote of the day for ANY BBS program |
rbs173c7.zip | 86K | 87876 11-01-91 RBBS-PC v17.3 Text, menus, help files. |
rbtch151.zip | 75K | 1.51, RBBS Batch uploading interface |
rbtch176.zip | 124K | RBatch 1.76 - RBBS Batch Uploading Interface. RBatch also |
rbtch230.zip | 257K | 263240 07-24-93 RBatch v2.3; RBBS Batch Uploading, HS/Link |
rbtch242.zip | 244K | RBatch 2.42 - RBBS Batch Uploading, HS/Link, and BiModem I |
rbzch176.zip | 123K | 125905 06-18-92 RBBS PC batch uploading, HS/Link and Bimod |
rchat300.zip | 27K | between RBBS-PC 17.3a nodes without doors |
rdsd-110.zip | 9,458B | RBBS DoorSys 1.10 [DOS] dorinfox.def -> door.sys Get onboa |
rdso-110.zip | 13K | RBBS DoorSys 1.10 [OS/2] dorinfox.def -> door.sys Get onbo |
reg_rbbs.zip | 3,766B | 3766 09-01-91 Information for the US BBS List and RBBS-PC |
regv31.zip | 134K | RBBS XNSReg Credit card registration door |
rehash13.zip | 40K | 40657 11-04-91 REHASH v1.30; small RBBS utility for packin |
rfix0704.zip | 26K | 26696 07-05-92 Merges to upgrade RBBS 17.4 to 17.4a/0704. |
rfms20.zip | 48K | Displays RBBS-PC FMS directory from DOS |
rhrh100.zip | 9,793B | RBBS Hack Report Helper v1.00, |
rmail182.zip | 98K | 100173 09-17-92 RBBSMail, the RBBS-PC Echomail Processor | |
rmvsmrt1.zip | 27K | RMVSMRT v1.1 Command line SmartText Remover Program remove |
rnode10.zip | 9,649B | 9649 09-23-92 RNODE Version 1.0 - 09/25/92 Utility for use |
rs_rbbs.zip | 2,192B | 2192 03-05-92 RBBSROBO.RS is a file transfer script for | |
rstat25.zip | 59K | RBBS Stats/Call Log v2.5### The ULTIMATE CDor RBBS BBS cal |
rtfdc110.zip | 25K | 25428 04-20-93 RBBS Turbo FMS Dupe Checker (RTFDC) v1.10 | |
rtmbp310.zip | 108K | RBBS Turbo Message Base Packer v3.10: Message and USER Mai |
rtuti101.zip | 63K | RBBS 'Turbo' UTI Rev 2.01 Ver 1.01 Universal Text Interfac |
rudmu20b.zip | 42K | RUDMU is a utility designed to operate with RBBS-PC to aut |
s3desq.zip | 11K | 11007 02-03-91 Info on setting up RBBS-PC with DesqView. |
set_in15.zip | 22K | SETTING 1.5 - The settings for FD2.12 SW, RBBS-PC 17.4a an |
sfmsl_30.zip | 64K | FMS lister makes sorted list of BBS files |
shsmrt10.zip | 12K | SHOWSMRT V1.0 - ShowSmart is a program that will read an i |
si174v10.zip | 9,778B | 9778 01-31-93 SIN174 - Merge for RBBS v17.4 to display the |
sms2lib.zip | 138K | Files required to provide RBBS FMS directory support for t |
sortfms3.zip | 39K | new uploads to their RBBS-PC directories |
stunyasm.zip | 72K | RBBS Modification of .ASM from Stunny Mods |
sx503r1.zip | 582K | Silver Xpress QWK and OPX Mail Door V5.03 from Santronics |
tag160.zip | 74K | 76041 03-02-92 Tagfile v1.60: Batch upload mgt util for | |
tccb109.zip | 71K | 72213 12-13-91 RBBS callback door, Highly configurable. |
testdir9.zip | 13K | RBBS-PC directory against disk files |
textdoor.arc | 14K | door to read files in an ARC File |
tfms110.zip | 41K | 42237 09-06-92 TFMS110.ZIP Turbo FMS Lister v1.10. Great N |
ticrb127.zip | 121K | TicToss for RBBS-PC, v1.27 *BETA* |
tlp_ufe2.arc | 28K | user file editor and batch modifier |
tmkffs17.zip | 54K | 55219 10-21-91 RBBS utility. Build fidx/lidx files. |
tosspd.zip | 45K | 46087 12-16-92 RBBS QWK Mail TOSSER. This is public domain |
tqm102.zip | 93K | RBBS Tom Collins Quick Mail Door v1.02 .QDK |
tqm112.zip | 146K | 149428 08-14-92 TQM v1.12; The QWK Mail Door for RBBS-PC |
tutorial.arc | 37K | v17.3 Online Tutorial |
ugly174.zip | 87K | 88686 07-05-92 The UGLY Merges Set of merges for RBBS-PC | |
updn71b.zip | 117K | 120287 09-11-91 UpDn v7.1; The Ultimate Bulletin Maker for |
usr_ed16.zip | 73K | file editor for RBBS 17-1A through 17-3 |
usrchk17.zip | 71K | call back verification util. for RBBS-PC |
werdv1.zip | 3,964B | DESQview settings for BinkleyTerm/RBBS-PC |
whoup110.zip | 33K | 33369 09-20-91 Whoup v1.0; RBBS utility that will give | r |
wuw16.zip | 33K | Who uploaded what? - Utility for RBBS sysops |